[p2p-research] Fwd: real social networks + car sharing + 3G or Mesh + funding = applications ?

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 2 05:30:41 CEST 2009

Is that something someone could volunteer to write about for our blog?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dante-Gabryell Monson <dante.monson at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 8:38 PM
Subject: Fwd: real social networks + car sharing + 3G or Mesh + funding =
applications ?
To: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>

follow up :-)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: paolo massa <paolo at gnuband.org>
Date: Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 2:41 PM
Subject: Re: real social networks + car sharing + 3G or Mesh + funding =
applications ?
To: trustlet at googlegroups.com
Cc: Joe Edelman <joe.edelman at gmail.com>, Kasper Souren <
kasper.souren at gmail.com>

There are dozens of such sites and systems and papers. One from Nokia
for example
Empty Seats Travelling

Facebook applications such as Zimride

And applications for iphone

All this requires a lot of work and thoughts and coordination.
If you are willing to write a proposal, submit and get it funded, I'm
very interested in collaborating. Otherwise at the moment it is just
too much work and I don't time for it.
But I'm very interested of course.


On Sun, May 31, 2009 at 3:09 PM, Dante-Gabryell Monson

<dante.monson at gmail.com> wrote:
> As I am searching more on the topic,
> I noticed the following article
> http://www.cities21.org/cms/index.php?page=sf-to-sj-via-hub
> Full concept paper: http://www.cities21.org/SFtoSouthBayHub.pdf
> ABSTRACT: A hub-based instant ridesharing system is proposed for the
> SF-based workers of major Silicon Valley employers. This system would
> replace most of the current uncoordinated private commuter bus systems
> serving these workers. A San Bruno hub serves as a transfer point,
> increasing carpool matching probabilities.
> With traditional carpools, members are selected and then the carpool
> proceeds most weekdays for months without change. With dynamic ridesharing
> (DRS), one-time carpools are arranged within 3 days of the trip. With new
> GPS cellphone technology (Apple iPhone & Google Android T-Mobile phones),
> "instant ridesharing" (IRS) is enabled, where one-time rides are arranged
> within minutes of the start of the trip. With IRS, a person may carpool
> every day, but with the flexibility of a different departure time and
> of people each day. IRS can handle schedule variations in a manner that
> makes transportation routine and hassle-free. IRS works best when back-up
> public transportation is available.
> About 10% of US commuters carpool, but 80% of these are "fampools,"
> where members all live in the same home. The increased flexibility
> by instant ridesharing creates the opportunity to entice a very
> number of single occupancy vehicle commuters into carpooling. Every
> there is a "river of empty seats" created by cars driving down the road.
> idea of filling up empty seats to reduce traffic and CO2 emissions is
> somewhat obvious. In 2008 alone, seven organizations independently
> "invented" some variation of DRS/IRS.
> While the DRS concept of filling empty seats is obvious, successful
> implementation is not obvious. 15 past DRS pilot attempts have failed.
> Networks is one of many such examples. Goose won a $111,000 Washington
> Department of Transportation Trip Reduction Performance Program grant.
> delivered 322 rides over 2 years, at a cost of $345 per ride. In the San
> Francisco Bay Area, RideNow could only register 12 out of 3,000 West
> Station BART commuters, so recruiting failed, causing a pilot to be
> cancelled. IRS serves as an improvement to DRS, utilizing new GPS
> smartphones, text messaging, internet sites and social networking to
> the user travel experience.
> IRS/DRS software offerings include: Avego (see:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgTNK85bG_k), ZimRide, Goose Networks,
> Carticipate, Piggyback, NuRide, and Google RideFinder.
> The benefit or utility of travel is a function of [travel time, travel
> travel experience (hassle, stress, comfort, entertainment value), parking
> hassle, parking cost, reliability.] When the utility of solo commuting is
> less than the utility of carpooling, carpooling thrives. For SF Bay Bridge
> "casual carpooling," commuters save 15 minutes of time and a $5 bridge
> Washington DC slug-lines also feature higher utility for carpooling versus
> driving alone. Casual carpooling represents the "perfect storm" for
> utility advantage, but there are very, very few places where carpooling
> utility is even close to solo commuting utility. Financial incentives can
> close the utility gap between carpooling/IRS and solo commuting.
> Full concept paper: http://www.cities21.org/SFtoSouthBayHub.pdf
> On Sun, May 31, 2009 at 3:03 PM, Dante-Gabryell Monson
> <dante.monson at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Trustlet and co friends,  ( trustlet list  ,
>> http://www.trustlet.org/wiki )
>> I feel it is possible to use our combined experience with real social
>> networks,
>> and hitch hiking,
>> to our advantage in terms of developing leading - open source - car
>> sharing applications for Smartphones
>> I have pasted this on a wiki for further development :
>> http://sharewiki.org/en/Stigmergic_Hiking
>> Perhaps consider an application under Android ? ( any Java enthusiasts
>> midst some programmers here ? - unfortunatly I dont program - yet )
>> Perhaps also potential funding from some well established car pooling
>> sites ?
>> With consumers of logistics software ? ( freight companies ? )
>> But also from governments ? ( regional, national and transnational )
>> A well written grant application with credible partners could bring in a
>> few million euros of funding.
>> I am very interested in contributing in the development of such project,
>> especially in terms of product design, marketing, and fund raising.
>> How would it be called ? ( see proposals at the end of this message )
>> ------------
>> I feel like briefly giving some more ideas :
>> I imagine profiles enabled with OpenID ,
>> and databases of credibility relations made between users ( such as with
>> hospitality networks ) ,
>> and hosted on central servers ? ( accessible through sms ? or 3g ? or
>> ? )
>> Could there also be some option of some kind of "routing key system"
>> would not need to be dependent on a central server ?
>> Perhaps the following Ad-Hoc Mesh research can be inspiring for such
>> option ?
>> http://ebiquity.umbc.edu/blogger/tag/manet/
>> Possibilities of relayingvarious levels of "credibility" requests, either
>> through server with checked profiles,
>> either through ( ad hoc ) wireless ?
>> -----------
>> allowing options for sending "requests" with real time position ( gps ),
>> but also potential future requests ( as with the german car sharing
>> http://www.mitfahrzentrale.de/ - over 700 000 uses )
>> from "want to be drivers" and from "want to be passengers"
>> --------
>> Then there are also the potential questions relating to rights and
>> responsibilities if and when one connects through a more centralized
>> to access profile information and send requests.
>> letting users approove a bill of rights and a bill of responsibilities
>> http://www.bevolunteer.org/wiki/Members_Bill_of_Rights
>> -----------
>> How would it be called ?
>> ICT facilitated Stigmergic Carpooling ?
>> ICT facilitated HitchHiking ?
>> PhoneHiking ?
>> Stigmergic Hiking ? ( aka " Stig-ing " ? )
>> " Open Stigmergic Relay Transportation Protocol ... " :-p
>> Carpool mobile ad hoc networks ?
> >

Paolo Massa
Email: paolo AT gnuband DOT org
Blog: http://gnuband.org

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