[p2p-research] Fwd: Carbon Finance America 2009 and the Corporate Climate Coup

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 1 07:31:22 CEST 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nicholas Roberts <nicholas at themediasociety.org>
Date: Sun, May 31, 2009 at 8:24 AM
Subject: Fwd: Carbon Finance America 2009 and the Corporate Climate Coup


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nicholas Roberts <nicholas at themediasociety.org>
Date: Sat, May 30, 2009 at 6:18 PM
Subject: Carbon Finance America 2009 and the Corporate Climate Coup
To: lbo-talk at lbo-talk.org

hi Doug

Would be great if you could cover the Carbon Finance America 2009 industry
event in New York June 10-12.

The for-profit Carbon Finance lobby is there in force and its the same Wall
St big money people. As background you might be interested in The Corporate
Climate Coup, May 29, 2007

For the record, I believe in Climate Change, or should I write ABRUPT
CLIMATE CHANGE, but I am extremely critical of the Carbon Finance community.
Its basically the privatization of the atmosphere.

The Corporate Climate Coup - backgrounder

David Noble says that corporations are feeding the hysteria about global
warming to undermine the global justice movement and to create a need for
market-based solutions.


If the corporate climate change campaign has fuelled a fevered popular
preoccupation with global warming, it has also accomplished much more.
Having arisen in the midst of the world-wide global justice movement, it has
restored confidence In those very faiths and forces which that movement had
worked so hard to expose and challenge: globe-straddling profit-maximizing
corporations and their myriad agencies and agendas; the unquestioned
authority of science and the corollary belief in deliverance through
technology, and the beneficence of the self-regulating market with its
panacea of prosperity through free trade, and its magical powers which
transforms into commodities all that it touches, even life. All the glaring
truths revealed by that movement about the injustices, injuries, and
inequalities sowed and sustained by these powers and beliefs have now been
buried, brushed aside in the apocalyptic rush to fight global warming.
Explicitly likened to a war, this epic challenge requires single-minded
attention and total commitment, without any such distractions. Now is not
the time, nor is there any need, to question a deformed society or
re-examine its underlying myths. The blame and the burden has been shifted
back again to the individual, awash in primordial guilt, the familiar sinner
facing punishment for his sins, his excesses, predisposed by his pious
culture and primed now for discipline and sacrifice.

subject for story

Carbon Finance America 2009

• Topical content – understand the implications of a new federal
cap-and-trade system and learn, from your peers, the opportunities and
challenges of trading in a recession
• Packed agenda – US and global climate policy, impact of the economic
crisis, pricing trends, CDM, regional and voluntary
markets, forestry and agriculture, project finance +++
• Superb networking opportunities – meet and do business with the key
players and decision makers in the US carbon markets

This is a must-attend conference for:
• Utilities & energy companies
• Manufacturers and other corporations seeking to reduce their emissions
• Federal and regional regulatory bodies
• Political think tanks, trade groups and investor coalitions
• Emissions traders & fund managers
• Investment banks & brokers
• Developers & financiers of GHG emission reduction projects
• Insurance companies
• Law firms
• Carbon finance consulting & advisory firms
• Exchanges & registries
• Verification and certification companies
• Technology providers

Nicholas Roberts

Working at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University -
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