[p2p-research] what to think of the market

Ryan Lanham rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 29 20:38:01 CEST 2009

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 12:23 PM, Kevin Carson <
free.market.anticapitalist at gmail.com> wrote:

> Somalia has other social anarchist
> stabilizing factors like a large element of common land (with ultimate
> property and reversionary rights to the clan), extended families and
> villages as income pooling units, etc.
I think another one of the interesting social science topics that is
frequently avoided is the question of minimum requirements.  What are the
minimum requirements for democracy...or social anarchy...or a commons-based

Without some objective definition of minimum, the world is open to the
whining of utopians who are never going to be happy regardless of the
outcomes.  On the other hand, it is difficult to state minimums because we
might then be compelled to admit our ideas don't work in practice once they
are achieved in some venue.  Oh sure, we adjust our expectations, but in
reality, what constitutes a moral system has to be one that is attainable.
Else, the whole of the discussion becomes absurd.

I suppose I am saying that as I get older I am more impressed by practical
examples and by clear goals.  I must say I am terribly impressed by the
Obama administration in that they seem obsessed with metrics and with
attaining goals...loosely defined ones, but goals nonetheless.  I suppose it
is the sort of thing that would appeal to a pragmatist.  They seem
relentlessly practical in trying to achieve the best of the real situation.

I've started to find idealism so...vein.  I see people trying to mouth
ideals, but what increasingly I hear is egoism.  Reality is hard stuff.
Much better to deal with concepts, particularly when one has no power.  And
yet the real is the art of it all.  The old philosophers were so cold and,
to me, appear so dead because they detached.  There is science fiction or
utopian philosophy (often one in the same) or there is pragmatism.  I'm not
convinced there is much in the way of anything else.

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