[p2p-research] Evidence of global warming kept secret by Bush Administration

Tomas Rawlings tom at fluffylogic.net
Wed Jul 29 12:02:50 CEST 2009

It's a bit off topic, but I am fascinated by the machinations of the 
global warming denalists - the current story of interest is the row over 
well known denailist Anthony Watts (who writes a denial blog called 
Watts Up With That) trying to use the DCMA to silence one of his 
critics, despite in the past claiming to abhor censorship of debate.

The story: http://greenfyre.wordpress.com/2009/07/28/but-but-from-the-watts/

And the video in question...


Tomas Rawlings
Development Director, FluffyLogic Development Ltd.
web: www.fluffylogic.net
tel: 0117 9442233 
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