[p2p-research] Artistic visualization (as a mandala) of all the groups in the world working on social justice...

Ryan Lanham rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 26 20:58:48 CEST 2009

Blessed unrest mandala<http://feedproxy.google.com/%7Er/Mediacology/%7E3/vVjC4ELOyCo/>from

[image: Blessed-Unrest-Mandala]<http://mediacology.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/blessed-unrest-mandala.jpg>

[image: Blessed-Unrest-Detail]<http://mediacology.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/blessed-unrest-detail.jpg>

I’ve written before<http://mediacology.com/2008/03/01/cell-phone-psychology/>about
Jordan <http://chrisjordan.com/>’s amazing hybrid info-graphics art that
dramatically depicts the mass scale of our environmental impact on the
world. His new piece, E. Pluribus
is based on Paul Hawken’s Blessed
In it he takes the names of all the grassroots groups in the world working
in some kind social justice movement to compose this giant mandala. I’ve
also posted a detail to get a sense of the immensity of this list.

If you haven’t seen Hawken’s inspirational talk that inspired the book, you
should definitely watch it here <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1fiubmOqH4>

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