[p2p-research] Alternative peer alliance form (was Re: Road to Polario: The Coming Russian-American Alliance)

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 26 18:22:21 CEST 2009

Hi Paul,

why is this story important? should I add it to
http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:Fiction ?

Related section of a 1951 sci-fi story:
 "And Then There Were None" by Eric Frank Russell
  Matt came up with a cloth over one arm. ‘I’m serving no Antigands.’
  ‘You served me last time,’ Harrison reminded.
  ‘That may be. I didn’t know you were off that ship. But I know now.’ He
flicked the cloth across one corner of the table, brushing away imaginary
crumbs. ‘No Antigands served by me.’
  ‘Is there any other place where we might get a meal?’
  ‘Not unless somebody will let you plant an ob on them. They won’t do that
if they know who you are but there’s a chance they might make the same
mistake as I did.’ Another flick across the corner.
  ‘I don’t make them twice.’
  ‘You’re making one right now.’ announced Gleed, his voice hard and edgy.
He nudged Harrison. ‘Watch this.’ His hand came out of a side pocket holding
a tiny gun. Pointing it at Matt’s middle, he said, ‘Ordinarily I could get
into trouble for this, if those on the ship were in the mood to make
trouble. But they aren’t. They’re more than tired of you two-legged mules.’
He motioned with the weapon.
  ‘So start walking and fetch us two full plates.’
  ‘I won’t,’ said Matt, firming his lips and ignoring the gun. Gleed thumbed
the safety-catch which moved with an audible click. ‘It’s touchy now. It’d
go off at a sneeze. Get moving.’
  ‘I won’t,’ said Matt.
  With unconcealed disgust, Gleed shoved the weapon back into his pocket. ‘I
was only kidding you. It isn’t loaded.’
  ‘Wouldn’t have made the slightest difference if it had been,’ Matt
assured. ‘I serve no Antigands and that is that.’
  ‘What if I’d lost control of myself and blown several large holes in you?’
  ‘How could I have served you then?’ asked Matt. ‘A dead person is of no
use to anyone. It’s time You Antigands learned a little logic.’ With which
parting shot he meandered off.
  ‘He’s got something there,’ offered Harrison, patently depressed. ‘What
can you do with a corpse? Nothing whatever. A body is in nobody’s power.’
  ‘Oh, I don’t know. A couple of stiffs lying around might sharpen the
others. They’d become really eager.’
  ‘You’re thinking of them in Terran terms,’ Harrison said. ‘It’s a mistake.
They are not Terrans no matter where they came from originally. They are
  ‘Well, just what are Gands supposed to be?’
  ‘I don’t know. It’s a safe bet they’re some kind of fanatics. Terra
exported one-track-minders by the millions around the time of the Great
Explosion. Look at that crazy crowd on Hygeia, for instance.’ ...

On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 9:59 PM, Paul D. Fernhout <
pdfernhout at kurtz-fernhout.com> wrote:

> Michel Bauwens wrote:
> > by Lawrence Taub
> >
> > Russia, the US, Canada, and Scandinavia – All Under One Roof, the North
> Pole
> >
> > The year is 2020 and the unthinkable has happened -- the US and Russia,
> > together with Canada, several USSR successor states, and the Nordic
> > countries, have announced the formation of Polario, a political and
> economic
> > union along the lines of the European Union.  Economic, security, and
> mutual
> > confrontation issues, as well as the rise of Europa and Confucio (the
> East
> > Asian Union), have finally forced the hands of the two ex-superpowers.
>  An
> > economic-political union together with the other countries around the
> North
> > Pole has seemed the only way to solve their problems “permanently“.
> When I was in a high school social studies class, the causes of World War I
> were explained:
>  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_I
> """
> World War I (abbreviated as WW-I, WWI, or WW1), also known as the First
> World War, the Great War, and the War to End All Wars, was a global military
> conflict that embroiled most of the world's great powers,[1] assembled in
> two opposing alliances: the Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance.[2] Over
> 70 million military personnel were mobilized in one of the largest wars in
> history.[3] The main combatants descended into a state of total war, pumping
> their entire scientific and industrial capabilities into the war effort.
> Over 15 million people were killed, making it one of the deadliest conflicts
> in history. The immediate or proximate cause of war was the assassination on
> 28 June 1914 of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir to the
> Austro-Hungarian throne, by Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian nationalist.
> Austria-Hungary's resulting demands against the Kingdom of Serbia activated
> a sequence of alliances. Within weeks the major European powers were at war;
> their global empires meant that the conflict soon spread worldwide.
> """
> That "activation of a sequence" of alliances was the key bit, where all the
> alliances were of the form, "if you attack anyone in the alliance, everyone
> in the alliance will attack you back". So, two tiny countries have a tiny
> border dispute or tiny trade dispute, and soon the whole world then is
> fighting each other. From a global systems perspective, this is a very
> stupid way to organize military alliances. That form of alliance is designed
> to *amplify* conflict with positive feedback, not damp down conflict with
> negative feedback.
> Now, I thought about that, and I am still proud to say I came up with this
> idea then as an alternative sitting in social studies class (and no doubt
> someone else has had it, but I have not seen it yet, but I have not thought
> about it in years or looked for a parallel).
> Here is the key idea: a peer-to-peer security alliance should be of a
> different form than a mutual defense pact against outsiders. It should be
> more like a mutual attack pact against insiders, where if anyone in the
> alliance attacks another peer in the alliance (or violates an agreed on
> boundary in some way), then the *entire* rest of the alliance agrees takes
> action against the peer violating the boundary or doing the aggressive
> thing. This alliance says nothing about what the alliance will do if
> threatened from outside. It is purely a set of rules about normative peer
> behavior inside the alliance.
> So, imagine we start this peer-to-peer alliance of countries with the
> Netherlands and Singapore, at opposite ends of the world (although both
> concerned about trade). In order to form it, both need to agree to some
> basic code of international conduct, as well as formalize their borders with
> respect to each other, and resolve any current trade disputes. Then, say,
> Estonia decides to join. It to must agree with the previous border claims of
> the Netherlands and Singapore with respect to itself (and other economic
> regulations as well as rules for amending the alliance charter, and so on).
> Alternatively, in the process of joining, Estonia needs to get the
> Netherlands and Singapore to alter aspects of the alliance including borders
> in a way that all the countries in the alliance can agree on (so, agreement
> is 100% consensus within the alliance on the changes or the new country can
> not join).
>  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consensus_decision-making
> Now, you may ask, what is the point of the Netherlands, Singapore, and
> Estonia agreeing to not attack each other (like they would even dream of
> that) and to adhere to some generally recognized international laws they are
> likely already following? What would be the point in the Netherlands and
> Singapore agreeing that Estonia could step in to stop a very unlikely
> military conflict between the two, Estonia likely having few troops and few
> ships and little chance of accomplishing anything by itself beyond some
> talk? The value begins to grow as more countries join. So, with more and
> more countries, there would be increasing value in the agreement to allow
> the other countries in a growing alliance to step in and stop conflicts
> which any country initiates against other peer countries in the alliance. As
> times goes by, Venezuela might join, and then Canada, and then joining this
> alliance might be the sensible thing to do because it will be a new
> organization setting standards and promoting good things across the peer
> network. Eventually, a country will want to join who has a border dispute or
> economic dispute with another country already in the alliance (say, if
> Russia wants to join and Japan has already joined, and they dispute
> ownership of some islands). In order to join this alliance, the countries
> involved will need to work out their dispute. There may eventually be an
> enormous incentive to join this organization, so, say the value of joining
> may be bigger than the value of some few islands that are disputed, and
> there would be a big incentive to bring in even more countries to assure
> global mutual security by those in the alliance, so, there is a big
> incentive by all peers to resolve these conflicts before they lead to war,
> even if significant concessions needed to be made. Eventually, there might
> be a situation where there are a few big holdouts, like the USA, if it can't
> agree with everyone else's border claims or figure out a way to resolve it.
> But there might be enormous internal political pressure on those last
> holdouts to joint to support world peace. It would at least be pretty
> obvious at that point what countries were not willing to get along with
> their peers.
> Eventually, this alliance might replace the United Nations. Alternatively,
> this alliance forming process might actually be done through the United
> Nations as a series of new treaties with new governing structures. Note,
> this is *not* the same as world government. This is a set of rules for how
> peers should behave towards each other. And it is also, ideally, a framework
> for solving conflicts before they reach the point of economic war or
> physical war (given economic war and physical war are often interrelated
> with one causing the other).
> Note the big difference of this form of alliance than the conventional
> form, including this new "Polario" idea. There is no reason for a set of two
> big blocks which might end up attacking each other. There is the potential
> for this one alliance to spread globally and define the norms under which
> peers (countries) interact with each other under the terms of the alliance.
> I'm not sure what would happen if two such alliances started to form, but
> ideally, they would negotiate at least a common denominator for borders and
> trade rules and then merge. But even if two alliances could not agree, they
> would still not pose any threat to each other, because there is nothing in
> the alliance about how to interact with those outside the alliance. So, two
> alliances could even overlap. There could even be different alliances for
> diferent things (borders versus trade regulations, for example). I'm not
> sure, as I think about it, what all the implications would be of lots of
> overlapping peer-to-peer alliances of this form?
> Would this work politically? It entails countries essentially agreeing to
> be attacked militarily or economically by peers if they violate certain
> norms they previously agreed to, or at least, peers agreeing to be attackers
> or enforcers, to step in and stop disputes and enforce boundaries. It is a
> sort of global anti-bullying pact among peers.
>  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullying
> So, would this be seen by nations considering joining as essentially giving
> up some of their sovereignty? Well, I don't know. But it is an alternative
> way to look at the notions of peer alliances. And it is a way to build a
> stronger community that has consensus about some international norms for
> peer behavior at a national level as well as some teeth to the enforcement
> of those norms as a community.
> No doubt someone would want to simulate this before trying it to see if it
> has any obvious failure modes unique to it, like in Model United Nations
> exercises.
>  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model_United_Nations
> I'm not even sure there would have to be a violent military aspect to the
> agreement. It might be good enough for peers to just say that if a peer
> transgresses a certain norm or boundary, they would slow or stop their trade
> with that peer (or reduce their internet bandwidth to that country),
> essentially as a form of "shunning" (which is non-violent, but still
> disruptive).
>  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shunning
> There would then need to be some way to compensate individual businesses
> for economic losses. And the bigger alliance agreement would then perhaps
> take precedence over contracts between individual businesses across borders.
> Anyway, I'm not sure what the best enforcement strategy for agreed on peer
> norms would be in such an alliance. No doubt people would explore that.
> Related section of a 1951 sci-fi story:
>  "And Then There Were None" by Eric Frank Russell
> http://www.appropriate-economics.org/materials/and_then_there_were_none.html
> """
>   Matt came up with a cloth over one arm. ‘I’m serving no Antigands.’
>   ‘You served me last time,’ Harrison reminded.
>   ‘That may be. I didn’t know you were off that ship. But I know now.’ He
> flicked the cloth across one corner of the table, brushing away imaginary
> crumbs. ‘No Antigands served by me.’
>   ‘Is there any other place where we might get a meal?’
>   ‘Not unless somebody will let you plant an ob on them. They won’t do that
> if they know who you are but there’s a chance they might make the same
> mistake as I did.’ Another flick across the corner.
>   ‘I don’t make them twice.’
>   ‘You’re making one right now.’ announced Gleed, his voice hard and edgy.
> He nudged Harrison. ‘Watch this.’ His hand came out of a side pocket holding
> a tiny gun. Pointing it at Matt’s middle, he said, ‘Ordinarily I could get
> into trouble for this, if those on the ship were in the mood to make
> trouble. But they aren’t. They’re more than tired of you two-legged mules.’
> He motioned with the weapon.
>   ‘So start walking and fetch us two full plates.’
>   ‘I won’t,’ said Matt, firming his lips and ignoring the gun. Gleed
> thumbed the safety-catch which moved with an audible click. ‘It’s touchy
> now. It’d go off at a sneeze. Get moving.’
>   ‘I won’t,’ said Matt.
>   With unconcealed disgust, Gleed shoved the weapon back into his pocket.
> ‘I was only kidding you. It isn’t loaded.’
>   ‘Wouldn’t have made the slightest difference if it had been,’ Matt
> assured. ‘I serve no Antigands and that is that.’
>   ‘What if I’d lost control of myself and blown several large holes in
> you?’
>   ‘How could I have served you then?’ asked Matt. ‘A dead person is of no
> use to anyone. It’s time You Antigands learned a little logic.’ With which
> parting shot he meandered off.
>   ‘He’s got something there,’ offered Harrison, patently depressed. ‘What
> can you do with a corpse? Nothing whatever. A body is in nobody’s power.’
>   ‘Oh, I don’t know. A couple of stiffs lying around might sharpen the
> others. They’d become really eager.’
>   ‘You’re thinking of them in Terran terms,’ Harrison said. ‘It’s a
> mistake. They are not Terrans no matter where they came from originally.
> They are Gands.’
>   ‘Well, just what are Gands supposed to be?’
>   ‘I don’t know. It’s a safe bet they’re some kind of fanatics. Terra
> exported one-track-minders by the millions around the time of the Great
> Explosion. Look at that crazy crowd on Hygeia, for instance.’ ...
> """
> --Paul Fernhout
> http://www.pdfernhout.net/
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