[p2p-research] p2presearch Digest, Vol 21, Issue 78

Nicholas Roberts nicholas at themediasociety.org
Fri Jul 24 02:19:13 CEST 2009

> Today's Topics:
>   1. 101 Lectures for Your Open Source Education (Michel Bauwens)
>   2. Re: devastating story on cradle to cradle founder (Kevin Carson)

I guess the Open Farm Tech guys have been posted before;

Open Source Ecology is a movement dedicated to the collaborative
development of tools for replicable, open source, modern off-grid
"resilient communities." By using permaculture and digital fabrication
together to provide for basic needs and open source methodology to
allow low cost replication of the entire operation, we hope to empower
anyone who desires to move beyond the struggle for survival and
"evolve to freedom."

By our analysis, most of the technologies needed for a sustainable and
pleasant standard of living could be reduced to the cost of scrap
metal + labor. There is immense potential for social transformation
once this technology is fully developed for building interconnected
self-sufficient communities, since people will be freed from material
constraints and able to seek self-actualization.

We understand that this is an ambitious task, but we have accomplished
much and are making rapid progress. Factor e Farm is the land-based
facility where we are putting this theory into practice. Our means of
achieving these goals are meticulously detailed in the "Resilient
Community Construction Set" (formerly known as the GVCS) and the OSE

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