[p2p-research] what to think of the market

Paul D. Fernhout pdfernhout at kurtz-fernhout.com
Thu Jul 23 17:54:40 CEST 2009

Michel Bauwens wrote (quoting Dean Baker):
> *For example, Bill Gates rise from moderate affluence to incredible wealth
> was only possible because of government granted copyright monopolies on
> computer software. The government would arrest anyone who makes and
> distributes copies of Windows and other Microsoft software without Bill
> Gates’ permission. As a result of this copyright monopoly, Microsoft became
> one of the most profitable companies in the world as the use of personal
> computers exploded over the last quarter century.*

Please note that while someone like Steve Jobs might fit this description, 
Bill Gates was born with a multi-million dollar trust fund (in today's 
dollars), so I'm not sure I would call that "moderate affluence". From:
   "How to Become As Rich As Bill Gates"
"William Henry Gates III made his best decision on October 28, 1955, the 
night he was born. He chose J.W. Maxwell as his great-grandfather. Maxwell 
founded Seattle's National City Bank in 1906. His son, James Willard Maxwell 
was also a banker and established a million-dollar trust fund for William 
(Bill) Henry Gates III. In some of the later lessons, you will be encouraged 
to take entrepreneurial risks. You may find it comforting to remember that 
at any time you can fall back on a trust fund worth many millions of 1998 

Note that, being a millionaire from birth, who could presumably spend a life 
writing free content and free software, it was quite a bit of hypocrisy for 
Bill Gates to then write a letter to hobbyist saying no software would get 
written unless he could make money doing that.

Note also the Bill Gates said he dumpster dived to get ideas about how to 
write computer software.

Anyway, while I like most of the rest of the article, that point is just 
more mythology of wealth that snuck in:
   "The Mythology of Wealth | Conceptual Guerilla"
In fact, the cheap-labor conservatives have counter-attacked with their own 
“rational” theory to justify their hierarchical world-view. Some call it 
“Social Darwinism”, though more politically savvy cheap-labor conservatives 
avoid that term. The purpose of this “rational theory” is to establish that 
the existing social order is the “natural order”. Elites enjoy wealth, 
privilege and status because of their inherent superiority. The place where 
this natural hierarchy is established, is that mythical place known as the 

Sorry, I spent many years essentially being asked by my mother why I wasn't 
as rich as Bill Gates if I was so good with computers. :-)

Now, if she had asked why I wasn't as rich as Steve Jobs, I would not have 
had much of an answer. :-)

--Paul Fernhout

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