[p2p-research] Reimagining Society (Resoc) site

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 19 16:51:25 CEST 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: michael albert <sysop at zmag.org>
Date: Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 9:46 PM
Subject: <no subject>


*Summary of Content in this message:

1. Please visit the Reimagining Society (Resoc) site. We have just today
improved the display of participants and of articles dramatically:

2. Please send your opening essay, if you haven't done so already. If you
have sent it, and it isn’t up online, please resend.

3. Please consider commenting on articles in the project. You must be logged
in to comment. See log in instructions below. The link to comment appears
under each article as you read to the end. You can also see all past

4. Please also consider writing a longer essay reaction to articles in the
project. Only participants can do this. Log in and if you want to you will
be able to use links at the end of each article for writing or uploading a
reaction piece, or you can send us the submission, if you prefer.

5. Please send your bio if you haven't already done so, or you can upload it
yourself - see instructions below.

6. Please upload a photo, if you are of a mind to, by uploading it yourself!

7. Brief Log In and Upload Instructions

If you are a Z Sustainer or Z Regular Writer, with a ZSpace page from
earlier, then where it asks for your email near the top of any Reimagining
Society (Resoc) page (or any other page in ZCom), type in your email that we
have in the system. Where it asks for your password - type in your password.
It will say hello, and display links for your admin options, etc.

If, instead, you are not previously in our system, then nonetheless, as a
Reimagining Society (Resoc) participant, we have now added you. To log in,
which is necessary for commenting on articles or using the upload features,
etc., please enter you email address as we have it in the form area at the
top of any page, and, as your password, please enter your last name. Once
you are logged in, you can click a link near your name at the top of pages
to go to your account page and once there you can change your password, if
you like.

You can also use your account page admin features to change, or to add, a
brief bio, directly, to upload a photo if you like, and to do much else as
well. For all your many options regarding ZNet facilities, if you are
interested in those, there are video tutorials here:

*More Complete Information...and instructions...

If the above did the trick for you, ther eis no need to read on. If not,
please set this message aside until you have time to read it carefully, and
then do so. We are dealing with hundreds of participants, and we do need
folks to give us just a little help by paying attention to options.

So far, we have received 70 opening essays. Even more remarkably another 150
people, have said they will deliver an opening essay. Please visit the site
when you have a chance:

At the site, please use the left menu to select participants, to see a list
of all participants by country. This is a new display. There is a pull down
menu for country and name - that will help you find entries in the long list
of participants.

Note some people have pictures. If you use the admin of ZCom to upload one,
see below, yours will appear as well.

For any particular person, if you have submitted a brief bio/resume, there
is a link for people to see that, too, and an excerpt displays as well. When
you visit the Participant page, you will see all this.

If a person has submitted an Opening Essay, likewise, a link for that essay
will be there, by the person’s name, as well. Later, it will also display
links to reaction articles and replies.

If you sent us an opening article already, and if it isn't up on the site,
please let us know and resend the essay. If you are going to send one, but
haven’t yet, please do so as soon as you are able.

We will post essays as they arrive, but as per the initial schedule, we are
also going to now slowly begin the processes of discussion, debate, and

The plan for how to do this has two key aspects.

*Brief Commenting

First, any participant - in fact any ZCom Sustainer or writer, for that
matter - can append a comment to any article just by clicking the link to do
so that appears at the bottom of each article.

There is also a link to see all the comments so far appended to that

More, authors of commented articles can of course reply to comments using
the same method, simply appending another comment.

Comments are also accessible from the top page of ZNet, via the left menu -
and will also be available soon on the Reimagining Society pages, from the
left menu selection for Comments by Date.

However, there is one catch to adding a comment to an article.

To be able to append comments to content – whether to specifically
Reimagining Society content or, for that matter, any content anywhere on
ZCom - a person has to be signed in to the site as a Sustainer or as what we
call a Full Access writer. These levels of involvement convey other benefits
as well, including receiving email commentaries, having your own blog if you
want, having your own ZSpace page, etc. But, for Reimagining Society
purposes, the key point is being able to comment.

We have decided to ensure that every Reimagining Society participant can
comment whether or not up to now you have been a regular Z Writer or a Z
Sustainer. If you are a Sustainer, you can comment simply by logging in, as
usual. There are tutorial videos if you haven't used the features. The same
holds if you are a Z full access writer. You just log in as usual when
viewing the site, and you can comment. Here is the link for the tutorials:

If you are neither a Sustainer or a full access writer, you are more or less
new to our sites, we have taken the liberty to make you what we are calling
a Resoc Member. This will give you full commenting rights on Resoc content
and throughout the sites.

Your log in name is your email address as we have it in our database for the
Reimagining Society Project. Your password will initially be your last name,
though you can change it once you log in.

To be able to comment on content, when you visit the site, log in as a
Sustainer or as a ZWriter if you are either - or log in as a Resoc Member if
you aren't a Sustainer or ZWriter, and then comment as you feel the desire
to. If you have any problems logging in, please contact us and get help. You
will see the entry field for your id and password near the top of all site

*Longer Explorations and Debates - Reactions and Replies

Second - beyond commenting, which is available for modest exchanges, the
site will also display more in depth interactions.

For this, any Resoc participant (and only Resoc participants) are invited
and even urged to write longer reactions to posted opening essays that you
want to address, and to then send those reactions to sysop at zmag.org or if
you prefer, you can upload them directly, yourself  (for this, again, you
must be logged in and use the link near the bottom of any article you wish
to respond to).

The submitted reactions will all go online, with replies appearing as well,
whenever authors of the addressed essays offer replies, all displayed
beneath the article initially addressed, so that opening articles and
ensuing reactions and replies are all together accessible - and we will
display it all arranged by author and by topic as well.

For example, suppose Stephen Shalom of the U.S. decided he wished to write a
reaction to the essay by Judge Torrealba of Venezuela, or perhaps Hilary
Wainwright of the UK wished to write a reply to Rep. Julio Chavez also of
Venezuela, or Katja Kipping of Germany wished to write a reaction to Noam
Chomsky of the U.S. Then, Steve, Hilary, or Katya would write a reaction and
send it in (or more technically ambitiously, post it directly by using the
links at the end of the article being addressed). Then we post it (or it
posts automatically after the upload), and shortly later it displays along
with the piece it addresses. Perhaps the original author responds and, if
so, then that response appears in the sequence too. And so on.

Short exchanges using the commenting technique will easily accumulate by
just using the comment links on articles, once you have logged in. Z
Sustainers can comment on content as well.

Longer exchanges will accumulate as more in depth reactions and replies, by
sending them to us to post or using the response links under articles. Only
Resoc Participants can do this.

Together we have all so far have assembled a diverse and insightful
collection of 350 participants from 45 countries for an unprecedented
experiment in addressing vision and strategy. If we now take each other's
work seriously, commenting and even reacting at greater length to what
engages of confuses us, we will collectively explore critically important
issues. Following that, we will also poll ourselves to reveal areas of
agreement or controversy. If communications go really well and there is
sufficient agreement after refining views, there should be a basis for
further activities, including face to face gatherings, etc. Surely this is
worth seeking!

We do hope that if you are doing an opening essay, you will get it to us
soon. Regardless of whether you have done or intend to do an opening essay,
however, we hope you will begin to look at the submissions others have made,
and to comment on or react to those your find compelling, or troubling.

Thank you!


Working at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University -
http://www.dpu.ac.th/dpuic/info/Research.html -

Volunteering at the P2P Foundation:
http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net -

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