[p2p-research] debate on open agriculture

Ryan Lanham rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 17 19:07:39 CEST 2009

On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 4:07 AM, Christian Siefkes <christian at siefkes.net>wrote:

> Ryan,
> Ryan Lanham wrote:
> > I have many broken mindsets.  But I don't look forward to a world where
> > people don't profit.  I think such a world would be very unproductive,
> > boring and depressed.
> Poor you. It must be very sad to live a life where profit seems to be the
> only source of pleasure, enjoyment, and inspiration...
> Of course it is a sad world; it is also a joyous one.  I enjoy other things
besides profit, like charity, contribution, art, etc.  I simply hold the
view that profit greatly enhances global productivity...and probably the
great vast majority of humans tend to agree with my view.

People who see value in profit aren't evil or different, we just have
different views and priorities.  To pity us suggests you have found a
higher, better way with superior priorities, and that you have attained a
special enlightenment.  You haven't.  You've just found one you prefer.
There is no evidence yours leads to better outcomes...only differing ones.
Indeed your holding different preferences suggests you already believe
deeply in markets, personal choice and the rights to dissent.

Your way only becomes a higher way when you convince me (or others) to
prefer it of my own free will.  I certainly encourage you to experiment on
yourself all you want and to report back.  We always seem to have an excess
of theorists who discuss and shortage of leaders who do, but that is only my
opinion...not a fact in any discernable sense.

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