[p2p-research] Wikivision

Nathan Cravens knuggy at gmail.com
Wed Jul 15 13:49:25 CEST 2009

Thanks Michel and Martien for the support!We have Michel to thank for
the initial encouragement and description of this design.

My project, I hope here to recruit to do likewise, is placing information
into tables and adding contacts to each p2p network we have a category for.
Michel and I are rather thrilled with this effort in spite its simplicity.

Forthcoming, the wave format will be used to automatically convert this
material to Twitter or Facebook channels, or the personal social network and
microblog platform to replace them, which may well be the wave format itself
or whatever replaces that term later.

Re: Semantic Wiki. One semantic or automated quality useful for this project
is to have an aggregator or crawler understand what subjects are categories
and subcategories, capture unaggregated information on the web, and
structure them into categories and subcategories into elegant design forms.
In this case we're working with topics and subtopics in mostly text as it
relates to p2p. If IBM is announcing it's machine, DeepQA, will compete in
Jeopardy, this must mean the ability to auto-aggregate information as
described already exists.

This is edging closer to a more accurate automated question-answer tool:
This list only requires a few lines of code.

For now, like a beam of light in the darkness, we have passionately diligent
analog crawlers like Michel that helps to better network separated groups to
come toward a common aim we all can agree on, if at least in action, to
create a medium integrating all media that can adapt into almost anything we

The wiki design under discussion puts over twice the information into a
single viewing space before scrolling down by dividing the information into
two tables, a left and right, placed into one topical box within the box
that is a wiki page. The ones needing this information the most will likely
be using small screens on netbook equivalent equipment, like the XO. Text is
good, because it is easy for a computer to digest. A particular song on
"ticky-tacky" is now coming to mind. (Regarding "the box": It may remain
experienced as an iron cage of reason, but at least with our adaptive
communications, also material, we are finding ourselves better able to
revise this iron cage relative to circumstance.)

I've done manual copy/paste of code to recreate the tables. Those of you
that like this design can apply this code to your areas of interest at the
p2p foundation that have high content volumes of resource links. This code
was snagged from the homepage wiki: (within the double quotes ;)


{| style="font-size:90%; padding:5px 10px; background:#eee;"
| colspan="2"|


|- valign="top"

|style="background: #FDF4F4;border: 1px solid
black;padding-left:1em;padding-right:0.5em;" width="50%"|


|style="background: #F4FDF6;border: 1px solid
black;padding-left:1em;padding-right:0.5em;" width="50%"|



Most of the time is spent judging what is to be a topic, subtopics, and
which side the subtopics go. Inputting the code itself involves simple
copy/paste routines. To make this process faster, I've divided the code into
three sections, highlighted and set aside for instant copy and pasting. You
may want to use that trick unless you have a better alternative.

I like seeing the photographs of those involved in each topic category.
Putting people together shows in itself community potential. I'm working
with Michel to identify those working in these subject areas and adding them
to our team, whether they know it or not. Michel contacted me after sourcing
effortless economy--and look what happened!--peer production, greater than
zero, which would not have been had I not written on effortless economy or
had Michel not existed so diligently.

Here's a code example to apply, showing the images and bio/contact info of
people that are known to best represent a topic area. I happen to be one of
them in this example:

=Our P2P Open Design Network= {{Person
|image1=[[Image:bryanbishop.png|80px]] |name1=[[Bishop,_Bryan|Bryan Bishop]]
|contact1=kanzure AT gmail DOT com |image2=[[Image:steveboss.jpg|80px]]
|name2=[[Bosserman,_Steve|Steve Bosserman]] |contact2=steve.bosserman AT
gmail.com |image3=[[Image:kirstyboyle.jpg|80px]]
|name3=[[Boyle,_Kirsty|Kirsty Boyle]] |contact3=kirsty AT openmaterials DOT
org |image4=[[Image:kevincarson.png|80px]] |name4=[[Carson,_Kevin|Kevin
Carson]] |contact4=free.market.anticapitalist AT
gmail.com|image5=[[Image:Charles collis.JPG|80px]]
Collis]] |contact5=charles dot collis at gmail dot com
|image6=[[Image:Nathancravens.PNG|80px]] |name6=[[Cravens,_Nathan|Nathan
Cravens]] |contact6=knuggy AT gmail DOT com
|image7=[[Image:paulfernhout.gif|80px]] |name7=[[Fernhout,_Paul|Paul
Fernhout]] |contact7=pdfernhout AT kurtz-fernhout DOT com
|image8=[[Image:vinaygupta.png|80px]] |name8=[[Gupta,_Vinay|Vinay Gupta]]
|contact8=hexayurt AT gmail DOT com |image9=[[Image:erichunting.jpg|80px]]
|name9=[[Hunting,_Eric|Eric Hunting]] |contact9=erichunting AT gmail DOT com
|image10=[[Image:Marcin Jakubowski.jpg|80px]]
|name10=[[Jakubowski,_Marcin|Marcin Jakubowski]] |contact10=joseph dot
dolittle at gmail dot com |image11=[[Image:Smari McCarthy.jpg|80px]]
|name11=[[McCarthy,_Smári|Smári McCarthy]] |contact11=spm2 AT hi DOT is
|name12=[[Menichinelli,_Massimo|Massimo Menichinelli]] |contact12=info AT
openp2pdesign DOT org }} {{Person |image1=[[Image:catarinamota.jpg|80px]]
|name1=[[Mota,_Catarina|Catarina Mota]] |contact1=catarina AT openmaterials
DOT org |image2=[[Image:Sam Rose.jpg|80px]] |name2=[[Rose,_Sam|Sam Rose]]
|contact2=samuel dot rose at gmail dot com
|image3=[[Image:chriswatkins.jpg|80px]] |name3=[[Watkins,_Chris|Chris
Watkins]] |contact3=chriswaterguy AT appropedia.org }}


To add new images, write the image file name after "Image:", save the wiki,
then click the red link, where prompted to upload the image. Click back to
the wiki and refresh the page to see the image. There's a good deal of
manual abstract work here, from locating images, e-mail addresses from the
web, knowing abc's, and renumbering the entries when revised.

This code groups the section into 12 entries max. To reduce personal bias,
I've arranged the names in alphabetical order by last name, from left to
right, top to bottom, in the Western tradition.

Thanks for pointing us to semantic wikis, Martien.
So now the question is: where is the semantic wiki code to reduce these
mentioned redundancies?

May you succeed where I have failed.

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