[p2p-research] Fwd: Triarchy News July 2009 - Accolades and Grass Roots Change

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 9 18:36:20 CEST 2009


some items for your phd?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alison Melvin <alison at triarchypress.com>
Date: Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 10:12 PM
Subject: Triarchy News July 2009 - Accolades and Grass Roots Change
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com


 July 2009
   Dear Michel,

 *Author Wins Award*
Buzz Wilms has won an award from the LA Press Club for his publication *Erasing
Excellence* <http://triarchypress.co.uk/pages/book7.htm> (UK title),
or *Liberating
the Schoolhouse* <http://triarchypress.co.uk/pages/book7-us.htm> (US title).
It tells the story of how an under-performing school achieved major
improvements in performance, behaviour and academic standards by abandoning
a hierarchical style of management and giving teachers greater autonomy and
responsibility for their work.

Our present UK government slowly seems to be realising that teachers are
capable of doing their jobs without being micro-managed by a 'juggernaut of
policies, laws and regulations …. seemingly out of control'. But is this too
little too late? As Karl Fisch observed in 2006:

'We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist, using
technologies that have not been invented, in order to solve problems we
don’t even know are problems yet.’

The urgent need for further innovative responses to the crisis in our
education system is addressed in another recent publication from Triarchy
Press, *Transformative Innovation in
*. The authors, from the International Futures Forum, offer real food for
thought and an insight into the type of conversation and engagement that is
essential if our children - and their future employers - are not to remain
frustrated by ‘dinosaur’ type education policies in this rapidly changing
world. A working framework and examples of its effectiveness show how more
visionary and far-sighted changes in the Education system can emerge.

*Petition for Public Services Tsar*
John Seddon, author of *Systems Thinking in the Public
*, has been nominated for the position of ‘Public Services Tsar’ in a Number
10 e-petition. The petition has received over 1,000 signatures since its
creation last month by Charlotte Pell, who identifies excessive paperwork,
targets and bureacracy as the key factors that prevent public sector workers
from doing their jobs. John Seddon outlines his ‘manifesto’ for minimising
waste and maximising efficiency in the public sector. He proposes closing
down the specifications industry, reining back the Audit Commission and
placing the choice of measures and method in the hands of local service

You can read John Seddon's response and manifesto in full by subscribing to
his monthly newsletter <http://www.systemsthinking.co.uk/0-2.asp>.
Evident within all
his thinking is his belief that the current system amplifies a culture of
recrimination and fear rather than responsibility and accountability.
Also arguing for systems of accountability to replace cycles of blame and
supply-led reform is William Tate, author of *The Search for Leadership: An
Organisational Perspective <http://searchforleadership.blogspot.com/>* and
the accompanying *Systemic Leadership
* (available from this August). Tate takes Systems Thinking principles (he
emphasises the lessons that can be learnt by looking not just at
individuals, edicts or initiatives in organisations, but at what happens
between them) and uses them to evaluate how leadership operates within and
between a wide variety of organisations and systems, including governments,
the financial sector a nd many high profile private companies.

 Both John Seddon and William Tate advocate looking at whole systems *in
operation* rather than imposing one-size-fits-all solutions. With a Systems
Thinking approach, the first step is to look at exactly what is happening –
i.e. the contributing factors that lead to mistakes, the dynamics of power,
the motivations and assumptions behind decisions, and so on – and how each
part of the system affects both the other parts and the whole. Effective
reform cannot be achieved by deciding what *should* happen but only through
understanding why and how things *do* happen. This is a crucial lesson for
any organisation.

Buzz Wilms is author of Erasing
/Liberating the Schoolhouse <http://triarchypress.co.uk/pages/book7-us.htm>

The juggernauts quotation is from the

To read Karl Fisch's presentation 'Did You Know - Shift Happens', visit his
blog the Fischbowl<http://thefischbowl.blogspot.com/2006/08/did-you-know.html>

Read more about *Transformative Innovation in
Education*<http://triarchypress.co.uk/pages/book21.htm> and
the International Futures Forum <http://www.internationalfuturesforum.com/>

John Seddon is author of *Systems Thinking in the Public
* *and Managing Director of Vanguard

If you would like to sign the petition to make John Seddon Public Services
Tsar, click here <http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/PublicServices/>

*‘Targets make performance worse’* Read John Seddon’s Guardian article of 7
th July: ‘Bundred’s Blind

William Tate is author of *The Search for
Leadership*<http://triarchypress.co.uk/pages/book22.htm>and founding
director of Prometheus
Consulting <http://www.prometheus-consulting.com/main.html>

*‘They’re all part of a system’* Hear an interview with William Tate: Working
Week 103<http://www.management-issues.com/2009/6/1/podcast/the-working-week-103-systemic-leadership.asp>

  *About Triarchy Press*
*Triarchy Press* is an independent publisher of books and pamphlets on the
life of organisations. <http://www.triarchypress.com/>

*Erasing Excellence <http://triarchypress.co.uk/pages/book7.htm>* (*Liberating
the Schoolhouse <http://triarchypress.co.uk/pages/book7-us.htm> - US*)
by Wellford Wilms

*Transformative Innovation in
an IFF publication

*Systems Thinking in the Public
by John Seddon

 *The Search for Leadership* <http://triarchypress.co.uk/pages/book22.htm>
by William Tate

 Triarchy Press ~ Station Offices ~ Axminster ~ Devon EX13 5PF ~ UK
*T:* 01297 631456 ~ Intl: +44 1297 631456
alison at triarchypress.com <mail at triarchypress.com> ~ *www.triarchypress.com*

  This message was sent from Alison Melvin to michelsub2004 at gmail.com. It
was sent from: Triarchy Press, Station Offices, Axminster, Devon EX13 5PF,
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