[p2p-research] Why Post-Capitalism is Rubbish

Dmytri Kleiner dk at telekommunisten.net
Thu Jul 2 13:12:01 CEST 2009

On Mon, 29 Jun 2009, Christian Siefkes wrote:

> Hi Dmytri,
> (sorry for the delay--I was traveling, among other things.)

Hi Christian, thanks for the response and I certainly understand the
delay, just a tip: If responding to a mailing list posting much later
that it was posted, it's a good idea to cc the person you are responding
too, as they may not be currently following the list.

>> At it is still based upon individual prices on items and transactions,
>> will you explain in which way your system is not a market?
> Markets are based on private, uncoordinated production using privately
> owned means of production, whose output is afterwards exchanged.

Markets are a form of circulation, not production. Your system 
includes supply/demmand determined prices for both labour and products.
It is therfore a market system. There are many market systems that are
non-captialist, including yours.

> In the peer economy model, production is not private but social from the
> very start: Since the tasks necessary to satisfy peoples wishes are shared
> (divided up), producers always know that they are meeting an existing need,
> that there will be somebody who will use their products.

The above fable assumes that planed production can perfectly
anticipate future needs and desires, in reality of course the main
source of information that will drive allocation in your system will be
exactly the price feedback you deny exists.

> In the peer economy model, resources and means of production are commons.

As they are in all socialist models, yes. However common-based
production is not an incompatible with market circulation. They are
different things. Your system, wether you chose to understand it or
not, is a market system, with planned production.

Dmytri Kleiner, aspiring crank


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