[p2p-research] Fwd: Movies, Media and Memes

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 2 06:56:42 CEST 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alison Hanold <socialmedia at american.edu>
Date: Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 9:39 PM
Subject: Movies, Media and Memes
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com

     [image: Greetings]

 Table of Contents

Upcoming Events <#12236c1458097ca8_upcoming>

   - Coming Soon! *Public Media 2.0 Field Report*

Future of Public Media <#12236c1458097ca8_fpm>

   - Future of Public Media Session at SILVERDOCS
   - CSM: In Good Company
   -  J-Lab's New Report: New Media Makers
   - Future of Investigative Reporting Arrived
   - Public Media Showcase: One Economy Corps
   - Stranger than Fiction: Beyond Broadcast, Iran's Elections and
   International Public Media 2.0
   - Moz Diaries --Digital Journalism at Its Best
   - Our Stories DC at SILVERDOCS

Copyright and Fair Use <#12236c1458097ca8_bp>

   - Getting Legal at SILVERDOCS
   - Who's Plagiarzing Now?
   - Fair Use Bunker Scene
   - Fair Use Question of the Month: Free Fair Use Legal Advice

Evolving Documentary <#12236c1458097ca8_edoc>

   - How Green Is Green? at SILVERDOCS
   - Lioness Makes and Impact on Legislation
   - Media That Matters Festival
   - The Prenups Release
   - BAVC Producer's Institute

*Other News* <#12236c1458097ca8_news>

   - POV's Upcoming Season
   - Air + Third Coast at PRPD
   - Works in Progress Screenings
   - Reel Grrls New Doc Film

  *The Center for Social Media    *

-helping people make media that matters

We investigate, showcase and set standards for socially engaged
media-making. We organize conferences and convenings, publish research,
create codes of best practices, and incubate media strategies.

We are a part of American University's School of
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* *June 2009
*  Greetings!

Have you been busy lately?  We have!  Between attending the BAVC Producer's
Institute, the Media That Matters Premiere, Beyond Broadcast, and
SILVERDOCS, we've got quite a lot to tell you about!
Warm regards,
Alison Hanold
Associate Director
    *UPCOMING EVENTS*   *  *
 *Coming Soon!
Public Media 2.0 Field Report: Building Social Media Infrastructure to
Engage Publics --Twitter Vote Report and Inauguration Report '09

[image: ballad] <socialmedia at american.edu>Research fellow Nina Keim and
Future of Public Media director Jessica Clark released their most
recent field report at the Public Democracy Forum conference in New York
last week. Watch your RSS feed of our blog next week as we release it
online. If you can't wait and want a copy now, send us an email at
socialmedia at american.edu and we'll send you the preview version. The report
reviews the achievements of both Twitter Vote Report and Inauguration Report
'09 as they used Twitter tools to engage and organize publics.
* *
 *Future of Public Media Session at SILVERDOCS!*
*Watch Now.
[image: ballad]Watch our fun-filled, role-playing simulation that asks a
cast of experts to step out of 2009 and project themselves into the public
media of the future: It's 2014, and the new titans are Ticketmaster, Google,
Amazon and Hulu. Do you know where your public media went? At the SILVERDOCS
conference Future of Public Media panel, we threw futurists, investors,
business folk and public media programmers and makers together to invent a
future in which web media rules. We didn't forget to film the entire session
so you can watch it
on to check out the cast of the session

*CSM: In Good Company*

The School of Communications and Center for Social Media were recently the
subjects of Mark Glaser's *Mediashift*
The post explored how American University's School of Communications is
evolving into an epicenter for the education of new journalists and media
makers. Glaser's piece includes video interviews with the Center's director,
Pat Aufderheide, as well as SOC Dean Larry Kirkman, Jan Schaffer from J-Lab,
Charles Lewis from the Investigative Reporting Workshop and Amy Eisman, the
head of writing classes at SOC. Read the article

*J-Lab's New Report --New Media Makers
[image: jlab]Congratulations to our suite partner and ally
the release of a new report
*New Media Makers -A Toolkit for Innovators in Community Media and Grant
The report reviews the growing trend of philanthropic organizations
increasingly funding media projects. Read the press
check out the
* *
*Future of Investigative Reporting Arrived*
[image: IRW]What happens to the crucial public media role of watchdogging
the powerful as newspapers die? Nonprofits have poured funding into
hard-hitting investigative reporting through The Center for Investigative
The Center for Public
now the brand-new Investigative
Reporting Workshop<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102626802703&s=7822&e=0011RmOJ9ZGYumQJU4TkYzxxeJIAwG8RxW8B8iHjAxEi_tyy9_qmu0FG0fQ9TJiyoCsfxcFARJtC_nmLkhkJq7Fg3oAnxbQKZ6IgqDzKH_MPd1JK8Y_476I23kM_1PeQhq0gUkemYs344Y=>(part
of American University's School of Communication). Now the Associated
Press--the nation's news lifeline--has agreed to carry these organizations'
work. There couldn't be a more powerful stamp of approval for nonprofit
news. Read the press

*Public Media Showcase: One Economy Corps *
This month's Public Media 2.0 showcase features One Economy
a global nonprofit that aims to increase access to technology and
information for everyone, regardless of income. The website hosts a number
of toolboxes. While each toolbox contains interactive tools full of valuable
information that helps users make lifestyle changes, the resources rarely
extend beyond personal improvement. Read more

*Stranger than Fiction: Beyond Broadcast, Iran's elections and international
public media 2.0 *

[image: ballad]At the 2009 Beyond Broadcast conference, hosted by USC
Annenberg's School of Communications in early June, attendees from more than
a dozen countries worked together to build scenarios predicting the
evolution of public service media in regions buffeted by social, political
and economic transitions. A week later the future long predicted by Beyond
Broadcast organizers arrived earlier than planned, as social media tools
became the main source of news on Iran's contested elections. Read more
* *      *Moz Diaries --Digital Journalism At Its Best*

[image: moz]At the SILVERDOCS conference the AFI Digital Content Lab
Showcase panel hosted a wide array of innovative ideas. Most noteworthy were
the journalistic pursuits of Kit Carson. Kit shared his work on one of his
most recent projects, *Moz Diaries*. In collaboration with filmmaker Tim
Johnson, Kit traveled down to Mozambique to document the state of transition
of the country since its recent "miraculous" success in the global economic
sphere. His choice of record? A cell phone camera. Read more

 *Our Stories DC at SILVERDOCS*
[image: ballad]<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102626802703&s=7822&e=0011RmOJ9ZGYumM6U64f6ruXcBg5mTZXJU7d7qExXxbZqavKKcajQG1YkSy4VvoFlFPEPE7YFJkZNUcaiWiPSOpaM4Aa_7idzGZRc5OlYtwAhW_HgbtbvfhluUuXUaJTltbHgzo7_hHiBfqS3Cmx7YiQZxgU4ZuL3fZEjVaSRGpSlQH-6UvYpXtCc-YsRaTIOP0>SOC's
Amy Hendrick attended SILVERDOCS with Brittany Barbour, one of the
filmmakers from her youth media project, Our Stories
Barbour screened her film and participated in a panel discussion at the
festival. (Our Stories DC was funded as one of our Future of Public Media
demonstration grants last year.) The panel was made up of five other youth,
some of who traveled to the festival from as far as Mozambique. They
demonstrated a diversity of experience that has not historically been a part
of public media. Read more
       *Getting Legal at SILVERDOCS*

[image: ballad]Peter Jaszi and Pat Aufderheide had fun presenting on the
panel, "The Legal 411 on Film and Media in the Classroom." The SILVERDOCS
conference now has a thriving strand of panels directed at teachers who use
audio-visual material in the classroom and who work with kids who make
video. One of the teachers' biggest headaches is understanding their rights
under copyright. Can students upload their videos to YouTube? Are they
permitted to clip out material from commercial (and encrypted) DVDs? Can
teachers post clips onto their electronic teaching platforms? Aufderheide
and Jaszi were able to help them clarify. Read more

*Who's Plagiarizing Now?*

Copyright protectionists decry copying as theft and plagiarism-and let's
just acknowledge here that sometimes it is. The well-funded efforts of
copyright owners' organizations to promote this message, though, has
thoroughly confused many people about their fair use rights. So there's a
certain pleasure-what the Germans call schadenfreude -in discovering that a
major Canadian research organization plagiarized an American lobbying
group's report. Read more

*Fair Use Bunker Scene*
[image: ballad]Have you seen Electronic Frontier Foundation Board Chairman
Brad Templeton's remix of the popular meme "the bunker
the 2004 film
*Downfall*? In this version, Hitler is trying to stop people from making
remixes by invoking the DMCA. (Meta enough for you?) EFF's article When Fair
Use Is Fairly Difficult<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102626802703&s=7822&e=0011RmOJ9ZGYukDcu_HuuI-SFbujvCxOir2PJfNH8l1bG71etfPYS3s9E-ruDMknqy2b3wpojhNhXiDtaK--UUCGrz3PkftHO0jWHe-9uq5_H460BhRycLqOS49ADJFB8-bX53jpU_hcr7YgmA7_xWxloigzqk-buwqp6Fq4CHbT-Q=>describes
what technical contortions Templeton had to go through to use his
fair use rights. For more clarity on what your fair use rights are, click
.*  * *
Fair Use Question of the Month: Free Legal Advice for Fair Use*
 * *
Every month the Center for Social Media answers a new question concerning
fair use. This month's question deals with getting free legal advice for
fair use and the advantages of reading our
doing so. Read more
[image: ballad]
The SILVERDOCS conference and film festival this year turned out to be a
great success. We were very impressed by Sky Sitney's outstanding
programming of the film festival and Diana Ingraham's expert planning of
the conference. Read Center's director Pat Aufderheide's favorite film
highlights here<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102626802703&s=7822&e=0011RmOJ9ZGYukkjTr0i3BnlDjo-dbZ99Ry3zIuntveTWsR5HGcE5bCn8f2tBIL6Xf4XOLd_UHMdt_Q_QtAPsjjyoGPccwE7fWxRSX6hu0ahVRxo5PH5Y1kGfqiy-BL_0ApgPg5ok6w95ErCWOBwxdDaifJbLH2tL5SOW8lQhU3vZd_AdZj9S6zFpb3SGG_HI-QmuSi8BLcLJMrcIRFYNSXWg==>and
associate director Alison Hanold's complete conference overview

*'How Green Is Green?' Panel at SILVERDOCS*
[image: ballad]On June 18 SOC Professor and lead author of our recent
publication *Code of Best Practices in Sustainable
* Larry Engel participated on a panel discussing green filmmaking with
co-directors of *No Impact Man*, Laura Gabbert and Justin Schein. The panel
was led by Amy King, a longtime Silverdocs associate. It started with a clip
from *No Impact Man*, a great film about Colin Beavan and his wife, Michele.
The film traces the family's year-long effort to create no carbon, or at
least keep it to a bare minimum. Read more here about Larry's experience on
the panel here>>><http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102626802703&s=7822&e=0011RmOJ9ZGYumB8z6MkynelQClG9XkK-6sl3wXg-bJe-Pkx0irGeNXXaImCBG5mnEUWpMvJD4mC6krqwI-qIl-S21dMYyW6lkmKKkvrsfzksxs-Sp0uqmcxZ2FEPk7hOxxUaQvJLsfK-W4aa2DDtuFbRPusBlqCIM_9Ww-o2KE0GrofGGSiG5EDXRMkSzIT3DiGB6Bo20Pyn20waN8tYKffUIqgSIPpZkfgd3pIXLtCKU=>

 *Lioness Making an Impact on Legislation*

[image: lioness]The new film
how a documentary positioned at the centerpiece of a strategic
outreach campaign can shape an issue on the public agenda and have a direct
impact on public policy.  The National Defense Authorization Act for the
Fiscal Year 2010<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102626802703&s=7822&e=0011RmOJ9ZGYukHkowxCgz9bhYJA5oWWo2H2SmyoB6_MeAdq8ESTUzs6Cpkk9XIVRrfCzXnD_8FdmRC_stlGh9KZDLCQCsHWQIbFmAkYlqFpPTOlnV3za6k02nTqEWi2lkMHsqtd3GX7BICQIG4WVZgnfrwNFUY7xO446-WaOjJaX0=>
 was approved by the House Armed Services Committee last week. Included in
its recommendations is a section titled "Recognizing Service Women Who Have
Participated as ''Lionesses'' During Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan."
Read more on this policy
more on this trend, read media fellow Barbara Abrash's research on *Social
Issue Documentary: The Evolution of Public Engagement*
Media That Matters Festival*

This month, [image: ballad]Alison Hanold attended the premiere of the ninth
annual Media that Matters festival, presented by Arts Engine. The festival
is comprised of 12 short films with a social justice focus. The
entire festival is available online. The films are various in their genres -
some documentary, some narrative, some PSA, and even one "docu-music
video." You can watch all the films
an eye out for the festival as it will be traveling across the globe with
stops in Seattle, Rome, Detroit, Philadelphia, DC, and more. View the Events
The Prenups Release*
[image: ballad]Center for Social Media is proud to be a co-sponsor of *The
Prenups: What Filmmakers and Funders Should Talk About Before Tying the Knot
*. Developed by Active Voice in close collaboration with independent
producers, funders, foundation affinity groups, scholars, and issue experts
- including us - this peer-to-peer resource is designed to improve
communication and collaborations on social-issue media projects. Take a
  * *
* *
*BAVC Producer's Institute*

[image: bavc]Associate director Alison Hanold and media fellow Barbara
Abrash spent a few days in San Francisco at BAVC's Producer's Institute
working with documentary filmmakers to build out their outreach campaigns
this month. You can read Alison's takeaways
*   *POV's Upcoming Season*

[image: pov]As close partners and huge fans of POV, we're excited to
announce the upcoming season which will be aired on PBS stations all over
the United States. You can see the entire season schedule
we want to highlight three films in particular that shouldn't be
The Reckoning release*
[image: reckoning]On July 14th our friends Paco De Onis and Pamela Yates'
new film *The Reckoning<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102626802703&s=7822&e=0011RmOJ9ZGYummiGZcrVkkZWLmJIsGS8YLoWlzA5o1Bs8d6zN4nOXzwdRrXYHAwTxl40e9CgtEazCNnG0xtWLjNant34j7BYaMQPYQDqTYT4AXUMV7E_-H5A==>
* will be aired nationally on PBS.
*The Reckoning* follows dynamic International Criminal Court Prosecutor Luis
Moreno Ocampo and his team for 3 years across 4 continents as Ocampo issues
arrest warrants for Lord's Resistance Army leaders in Uganda, puts Congolese
warlords on trial, shakes up the Colombian justice system, and charges
Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir with genocide in Darfur, challenging the UN
Security Council to arrest him.  It is not yet in distribution so don't miss
this chance to see it on PBS's P.O.V Series July 14th. Check your local
listings here<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102626802703&s=7822&e=0011RmOJ9ZGYumW-oP4q1rN7q1bXRcJhHpsoGjhffIOu_TzU_qxHtzwQn6lsYMxzxcwsNhFTsCK7mtcjpDaLJXdblaRqBduV_WWo_araHQrw1iGXDjuSfp8HZOuyK4onzLhZyCzEGeC9zg=>
more details.  Watch the

*New Muslim Cool release*
[image: newmuslimcool]On June 23rd *New Muslim
aired on PBS stations nation-wide and now it's available online to
in its entirety for free! Watch
Puerto Rican-American rapper Hamza Pérez pulled himself out of drug
dealing and street life 12 years ago and became a Muslim. Now he's moved to
Pittsburgh's tough North Side to start a new religious community, rebuild
his shattered family and take his message of faith to other young people
through hard-hitting hip-hop music. But when the FBI raids his mosque, Hamza
must confront the realities of the post-9/11 world, and himself. Produced in
association with Latino Public Broadcasting (LPB) and the Center for Asian
American Media (CAAM).

The Way We Get By release and theatrical run

[image: The Way We Get
film in POV's lineup is The Way We Get
. This award-winning film begins as a seemingly idiosyncratic story about
troop greeters --a group of senior citizens who gather daily at a small
airport to thank American soldiers departing and returning from Iraq. The
film quickly turns into a moving, unsettling and compassionate story about
aging, loneliness, war and mortality.  Filmmakers Aron Gaudet and Gita
Pullapilly participated in this year's Producer's Institute
BAVC where they developed an interactive resource site which allows friends,
family and supporters of the troops to continue their mission of caring for
veterans. The site is currently in development and will launch in
conjunction with the national television broadcast on November 11.  Before
airing on PBS, the film will have a theatrical run with a premiere at New
York's IFC Center on July 17.  If you're in the New York area, we highly
recommend you check it out!
AIR +Third Coast at PRPD *
[image: prpd]On September 15-18 , join the Public Radio Program Directors
Association and the Association of Independents in Radio in their third
annual Public Radio Programming Conference in Cleveland, OH. The gathering
is the largest national industry conference focusing on programming. Third
Coast organizers Johanna Zorn and Julie Shapiro will develop special
sessions designed to appeal to both producers and programmers, and bring
their signature to celebrating the best in audio craft. Register

*Work In Progress Screening Washington DC, [image: ballad]July 10 *
Join Docs in Progress for a screening and feedback session for the following

*Back Up!* concrete diaries (15 minute excerpt)
by Monique Hazeur and Nijla Mumin
Sidewalks, street crossings, corridors, and hallways are hostile territory
where women and girls experience verbal assault from men on a daily basis.
How are women fighting back and defining their own personal and public

*Keeping the Kibbutz!* (60 minute rough cut)
by Ben Crosbie and Tessa Moran
An examination of the challenges of a community in transition from the
perspective of members of an Israeli kibbutz who are facing the inevitable
end of their communal living experience.

Visit the website at http://www.docsinprogress.org for more information.

*Reel Grrls New Doc Film*

[image: reelgrrls]Reel Grrls, a Seattle based production company, just
released a new short doc titled *A Generation of Consolidation*. The film
can be viewed online in its entirety at www.generationofconsolidation.org. *A
Generation of Consolidation* was created by high school students who are
working to stop further consolidation of media corporations. It has won
awards at the Seattle Independent Film Festival and the Seattle
International Film Festival. These student filmmakers have harnessed the
power of documentary film to make their voices heard. While they fight to
keep multiple channels of mainstream media alive, they in turn create
informative engaging media themselves. Watch the film
      *Follow up Links*
Current Projects<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102626802703&s=7822&e=0011RmOJ9ZGYukUbQNLPr-7GKobjdhk4gKsoz1UlBDNxSgE5NQMNtwkdxVhJE97jIwzjXCBlINbTG4p6yOP1Y5l9Slkj_-0kQM3SsA3NOTN1GnSQRomiOTHkN38TiK6ThO1z2g7kcYZpGY=>
Advisory Committee<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102626802703&s=7822&e=0011RmOJ9ZGYumHb5NJdaqcHYe0m_UwvpKjK4GkIvxDx7Kfl2HOsRcr9-82lwBSPQUIYRl9mTZ93oVMT8gAnGMe34hiN8MpYgpHa9hdeiqyKoUvNqYqtNfaJnG2frInxyHeexmKEIUzAgA=>
  *About Us*

email: socialmedia at american.edu
phone: 202-885-3107
web: http://www.centerforsocialmedia.org

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