[p2p-research] Fwd: Digital Britain - Interim Report

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 31 16:47:05 CET 2009

 Those interested in digital copyright policy might be interested in the
UK's Department of Culture, Media and Sport's 'Digital Britain' Interim
Report, which was released this week.


Section 3.2 seems particularly relevant:

'There is a clear and unambiguous distinction between the legal and illegal
sharing of content which we must urgently address. But, we need to do so in
a way that recognises that when there is very widespread behaviour and
social acceptability of such behaviour that is at odds with the rules, then
the rules, the business models that the rules have underpinned and the
behaviour itself may all need to change.'

It also recommends the creation of a Rights Agency to:

'bring industry together to agree how to provide incentives for legal use of
copyright material; work together to prevent unlawful use by consumers which
infringes civil copyright law; and enable technical copyright-support
solutions that work for both consumers and content creators. The Government
also welcomes other suggestions on how these objectives should be achieved.'

Jessica Coates
Project Manager
Creative Commons Clinic
Queensland University of Technology

ph: 07 3138 8301
fax: 07 3138 9395
email: j2.coates at qut.edu.au

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