[p2p-research] Fwd: please cosign the open letter against the telecom package and for network neutrality

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 29 09:18:07 CET 2009

Dear friends,

if you are European and are concerned with network neutrality, please
consider co-signing   http://www.co-ment.net/text/711/, spearheaded by Erik
here below,

this is against some very negative aspects of the EU telecoms package bill,
being discussed right now,

he says there is a window of opportunity in which this can have a real

perhaps Celia in cc, or Eric, can provide a summary paragraph that we can
ask to forward in our circles,

Michel Bauwens

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Josefsson - kandidat till Europaparlamentet (v) <
erik.josefsson at vansterpartiet.se>
Date: Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 9:45 PM
Subject: Re: IP experts and activist directory
To: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>
Cc: seliabv at gmail.com

Thanks Michael!

We don't have much time, but there is a small window of opportunity to
influence the telecoms package council negotiations. The text will be
adopted 16 February. Then the EP's 2nd reading starts, but changes will
be harder and harder to get in by the day.

Please call me, or tell me when I can call you (and/or Celia).

Here is the coalition draft open letter (apologies for ugly formatting,
but it will soon be improved):


Please consider co-signing.

La Quadrature is about to sign, but we are waiting a bit for BEUC
(consumer org) and AKVDS (german privacy advocates) to make up their minds.

My number: +32 484 082 063

Best regards.


Michel Bauwens wrote:
> Hi Erik,
> Celia forwarded this to me.
> This is to reply to your question here:
> "Btw, is p2pfoundation an NGO or a network? Does it have a president and
>> a board? I have been working with a couple of traditional NGOs, and
>> hopefully something organised around the second reading of the telecoms
>> package will come out of it. It would be great if the p2pfoundation
>> could be involved."
> The p2pf is only formally a dutch 'Stichting" (foundation), but it is a
> network, less of activists than of  'builders', i.e. we are primarely of
> interest to people constructing peer to peer architectures, platforms  and
> movements in the fields of social software, energy, money, etc ...
> We have a 'moderate' online influence, including activists that follow our
> blog, etc ... We help them think, interconnect, and know of open and free,
> participatory and commons oriented initiatives on a global scale.
> Our own mobilization potential is quite limited but  we can certainly
> in forwarding appeals etc...
> What we have regarding Celia's question:
> http://p2pfoundation.net/List_of_European_Policy_Consultants
> and here is where we keep track of policy material:
> http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:Policy
> Michel
> On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 7:53 PM, celia blanco <seliabv at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Michel
>> Below (under the first email) you will find the answer from Erik, he does
>> not give too many information for our project but we might write to EDRI,
>> Quadrature du Net and FFII to share knowledge and complete our
>> he also asks if the P2P Foundation would be interested in being involved
>> a campaign against the telecommunications package: he asked me to forward
>> to you and sent me the link to the campaign last night (also below, in
>> place) although I guess this goes far from your interest
>> Celia
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Erik Josefsson - kandidat till Europaparlamentet (v) <
>> erik.josefsson at vansterpartiet.se>
>> Date: Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 10:22 PM
>> Subject: Re: IP experts and activist directory
>> To: celia blanco <seliabv at gmail.com>
>> Dear Celia,
>> I have great news, a draft of a coalition paper has been published:
>>   http://www.co-ment.net/text/711/
>> Please forward to p2pfoundation!
>> This will be a great platform. First signatories are:
>> European Digital Rights
>>  http://www.edri.org/
>> Internet Society
>>  http://www.isoc.org/
>> European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations
>>  http://www.eblida.org/
>> :-)))))))))))
>> //Erik
>> Erik Josefsson - kandidat till Europaparlamentet (v) wrote:
>>> Hi Celia,
>>> It seems to me you want to do is similar to what La Quadrature is doing,
>>> and what FFII did when I was active (maybe they still do). EDRi has a
>>> similar project of mapping activist resources by country.
>>> In my view, the key problem is not to mobilise activists, but to know
>>> what to mobilise for. So, knowledge of how to influence important
>>> developments in field we are concerned is the bottleneck.
>>> Btw, is p2pfoundation an NGO or a network? Does it have a president and
>>> a board? I have been working with a couple of traditional NGOs, and
>>> hopefully something organised around the second reading of the telecoms
>>> package will come out of it. It would be great if the p2pfoundation
>>> could be involved.
>>> Right now, the best blogger I know on the telecoms package is Monica
>>> Horten at http://www.iptegrity.com/ , but still, she is a researcher and
>>> not an activist.
>>> Hmmm... I'm not really answering your questions. But the obvious task
>>> for internet activists now is to engage in the telecoms package. Second
>>> reading is in April and Council is adopting it's Common Position in
>>> early February.
>>> Hope to talk to you soon again.
>>> //Erik
>>> p.s. as you might see from my sigfile, I am now running for MEP
>> --
>> Erik Josefsson - kandidat till Europaparlamentet (v)
>> erik.josefsson at vansterpartiet.se SE: +46 707 696 567
>> http://www.erikjosefsson.eu      BE: +32 484 082 063

Erik Josefsson - kandidat till Europaparlamentet (v)
erik.josefsson at vansterpartiet.se SE: +46 707 696 567
http://www.erikjosefsson.eu      BE: +32 484 082 063

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