[p2p-research] The Libre Software Meeting 2009 - Call for Presentation

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 28 14:15:21 CET 2009

The Libre Software Meeting, Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre is an
event of the Free Software Community in France. It happens since year
2000. Website: http://2009.rmll.info

This year, the tenth meeting is organised from the 7th to the 11th July
2009 in Nantes (France). Localisation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nantes

Call For Presentation - Community Theme

- The Community Theme proposes to explore how social structures that
make up what's usually called "Free Software Community" work together.
- You'll learn about the different free software entities, like local or
nationwide associations, sector-based or not, aimed at users, promotion
or developers, technical or not, virtual or not, for professionals or
volunteers, etc.
- You'll know from different points of view how community members
interact, on the practical, technical, social, legal, financial or
communcation aspects.
- The theme also presents local, national and international actions (how
to act at what level), the relationships with the rest of the world
(public at large, institutions, press, enterprises, associations and
NGO, etc.).

This year, we'll focus on the following questions :

* how can free software and collaborative behaviour help a member of the
associative, community and NGO area to reach its target ?

* how can these tools and their use enhance the diversity of
participants ? What are the organisation forms and levers that can
favour creation and knowledge transfer ?

* what can the free software platforms bring to the associations for
themselves and for their interconnection to others ?

* what are the support and success factors necessary for a collective
intelligence to emerge ?

* how to cultivate wealth in a cooperative project ? Details for speakers


- Language : English is the expected language for the lectures of the
topic though (if nobody objects in the audience) some talks might be in
French with at least the slides in English.

- Format : Talks are expected to last 20 minutes. PDF version of the
lecture are not mandatory but would be very appreciated (archived online
after the event, they are a very appreciated resource for the community
as a whole).

- Submit : If you are considering coming and submitting a talk, please
send us as soon as possible an email at the following address :
communautes at rmll.info with an English summary of your talk (and a French
one if you can, but if not, we will translate the English one). Feel
free to send this announcement wherever or to whom you feel it is
relevant (but beware of spamming people).

- Organize your travel : We have very limited funding for the travels
(only for speakers that cannot be refunded by the institution they
belong to) but there are no registration fees for the conference and
very low cost housing is organised on the site.

- Contact us : The RMLL 2009 team of volunteers organising the
"Community Theme" topic : Valérie Dagrain and Benoit Sibaud.


Valérie Dagrain - Benoit Sibaud
Coordination - Thème Communauté/Community Theme
Rencontres Mondiales Logiciel Libre 2009
The Libre Software Meeting 2009
Website: http://2009.rmll.info
Mail: communautes at rmll.info

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Valerie Dagrain <vdagrain at free.fr>
Date: 2009/1/27
Subject: [rmll-Communautes] Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre/The Libre
Software Meeting 2009 - Appel a Presentation/Call for Presentation
To: communautes at rmll.info


A celles et ceux qui sont concerné-e-s, merci de faire suivre cet appel
à présentation. Une version anglaise suit.
- Le site web avec le contexte et l'appel à présentation en Français,
Anglais, Espagnol et Allemand: http://2009.rmll.info
- Nous contacter: communautes at rmll.info
- La date limite est le 1er Mars 2009 pour nous envoyer un résumé de votre
présentation (10 lignes) et votre sujet.
Au plaisir de votre venue :-)

To whom it may concern, please distribute this call for présentation.
English version following.
- Please, look at website http://2009.rmll.info for more information about
context and call for presentation in French, English, Spanish and German.
- Contact us: communautes at rmll.info
- The border-line is 1st march 2009 to send us a summary of your
presentation (10 lines) and topic.
Thanks for your comming to our event :-)

--------------------APPEL A PRESENTATION---------------------------

Les Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre (RMLL) sont un événement
annuel du logiciel libre qui se déroule au mois de juillet en France
depuis 2000. Les RMLL 2009 se dérouleront à Nantes du 7 au 11 juillet.

Ce texte est l'appel à communication du thème « Communautés » de ces
rencontres. Les autres thèmes présents en 2009 peuvent être trouvés sur
le site des RMLL : http://2009.rmll.info.

Le thème Communautés vous propose d'explorer le fonctionnement des
structures sociales qui composent ce que l'on appelle communément la ou
les « communauté(s) du libre ». On y trouvera les différents types de
structures dans le libre (associations locales ou nationales,
sectorielles ou généralistes, d'utilisateurs ou de promotion ou de
développeurs, techniques ou non, virtuelles ou non, associations de
professionnels ou de bénévoles, etc.), le fonctionnement d'une
communauté (aspects pratiques, techniques, sociaux, juridiques,
financiers, communicationnels, etc.), les relations inter-communautés
(aspects pratiques, techniques, sociaux, juridiques, financiers,
communicationnels, etc.), les actions locales/nationales/internationales
(comment agir aux différents niveaux), les relations avec le reste du
monde (grand public, institutionnels, presse, entreprises,
associations/ONG, etc.), etc.

L'édition 2009 du thème Communautés des RMLL s'interrogera notamment sur
les problématiques suivantes :

    * dans les milieux associatifs, communautaires et ONG, en quoi les
logiciels libres et les pratiques collaboratives peuvent aider une
organisation à atteindre un objectif commun ?

    * en quoi ces outils et leurs usages peuvent favoriser une
diversité de participation ? Quelles en sont les formes
organisationnelles et les leviers en terme de création et de transfert
des savoirs ?

    * qu'apportent les plates-formes collaboratives libres pour les
associations elles-mêmes et en interconnection avec d'autres ?

    * quels facteurs de réussite et accompagnements sont nécessaires
pour en faire émerger une intelligence collective ?
    * comment cultiver l'abondance dans un projet coopératif ?

Précisions à destination des intervenants :

Les exposés synthétiques sont prévus pour durer 20 minutes. Des versions
PDF des exposés ne sont pas obligatoires mais seront très appréciées
(mises en ligne après l'évènement elles constituent des archives très
utiles pour toute la communauté).

Si vous envisagez de venir et de proposer un exposé, veuillez envoyer au
plus vite un message à l'adresse suivante : communautes at rmll.info avec
un résumé de votre exposé (ainsi, si vous le pouvez, qu'un résumé en
anglais). N'hésitez pas à faire suivre cette annonce là où ou à qui vous
le jugerez le plus utile (mais n'abusez pas du courriel).

Nous avons des ressources limitées pour les transports (seulement pour
les orateurs qui ne peuvent pas se faire rembourser par l'institution à
laquelle ils appartiennent) mais il n'y a pas de frais d'inscription à
la conférence et de l'hébergement à très faible coût est organisé sur le

L'équipe des bénévoles organisateurs du thème « Communautés » des RMLL
2009 : Benoit Sibaud et Valérie Dagrain

--------------------CALL FOR PRESENTATION---------------------------

The Libre Software Meeting, Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre is an
event of the Free Software Community in France. It happens since year
2000. Website: http://2009.rmll.info

This year, the tenth meeting is organised from the 7th to the 11th July
2009 in Nantes (France). Localisation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nantes

Call For Presentation - Community Theme

- The Community Theme proposes to explore how social structures that
make up what's usually called "Free Software Community" work together.
- You'll learn about the different free software entities, like local or
nationwide associations, sector-based or not, aimed at users, promotion
or developers, technical or not, virtual or not, for professionals or
volunteers, etc.
- You'll know from different points of view how community members
interact, on the practical, technical, social, legal, financial or
communcation aspects.
- The theme also presents local, national and international actions (how
to act at what level), the relationships with the rest of the world
(public at large, institutions, press, enterprises, associations and
NGO, etc.).

This year, we'll focus on the following questions :

* how can free software and collaborative behaviour help a member of the
associative, community and NGO area to reach its target ?

* how can these tools and their use enhance the diversity of
participants ? What are the organisation forms and levers that can
favour creation and knowledge transfer ?

* what can the free software platforms bring to the associations for
themselves and for their interconnection to others ?

* what are the support and success factors necessary for a collective
intelligence to emerge ?

* how to cultivate wealth in a cooperative project ? Details for speakers


- Language : English is the expected language for the lectures of the
topic though (if nobody objects in the audience) some talks might be in
French with at least the slides in English.

- Format : Talks are expected to last 20 minutes. PDF version of the
lecture are not mandatory but would be very appreciated (archived online
after the event, they are a very appreciated resource for the community
as a whole).

- Submit : If you are considering coming and submitting a talk, please
send us as soon as possible an email at the following address :
communautes at rmll.info with an English summary of your talk (and a French
one if you can, but if not, we will translate the English one). Feel
free to send this announcement wherever or to whom you feel it is
relevant (but beware of spamming people).

- Organize your travel : We have very limited funding for the travels
(only for speakers that cannot be refunded by the institution they
belong to) but there are no registration fees for the conference and
very low cost housing is organised on the site.

- Contact us : The RMLL 2009 team of volunteers organising the
"Community Theme" topic : Valérie Dagrain and Benoit Sibaud.


Valérie Dagrain - Benoit Sibaud
Coordination - Thème Communauté/Community Theme
Rencontres Mondiales Logiciel Libre 2009
The Libre Software Meeting 2009
Website: http://2009.rmll.info
Mail: communautes at rmll.info

Communautes mailing list
Communautes at rmll.info

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