[p2p-research] P2P Currency model (was Re: Donation Networks)

marc fawzi marc.fawzi at gmail.com
Sat Jan 24 23:54:43 CET 2009

I just replied as to the stages of development it must/will go through and
the current thinking I have about the economy as a "living" system.

Re: 2-way metering

P2P Energy Bank sends out replenishment requests when triggered by a
predictive inventory model and those requests are fulfilled by the peers, so
P2P Energy Bank knows how much it wants from each peer that has local energy
surplus (using fair supplier scheduling) and it will meter each fulfilled
request. When a peer with local energy deficit purchases some electricity
from P2P Energy Bank the flow to the peer is metered, too, by the peer and
the P2P Energy Bank.

Basically, this happens over a type of SmartGrid where there is no central
Electric Utility Provider and only peers as providers. And it also assumes
ability to hold an elastic buffer or dynamic short-term inventory.

By the way, none of that is ready. It will be simulated.

The Project Outcomes are 10-15 years for a popular game (to educate people
about the ideas) and 20-25 year for an actual full-scale development. It
doesn't matter how slow we go because the model has an anticipated 50-100
years of usefulness as it is and the more it evolves as a living system the
more lifetime it can have I think.

Yet, when people say I have an off-the-grid community why don't you come by
and try it (which has happened) I say I'm ready to work on the P2P Trading
browser but the SmartGrid (or my version of it) is not there... Not that it
can't be developed based on the existing SmartGrid but that it just doesn't
exist and I may have to figure out how to physically decentralize the
dynamic short term energy inventory, not just the energy management process,
while keeping the management process virtually centralized) The model
already can be interpreted to be this way (except for the comments under
Model Implementation, which I'll fix) but I had been thinking the inventory
needed to be physically centralized, so now I can breathe easier :-) since
it can probably be made to work with local storage, which is a lot more

On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 12:56 PM, Samuel Rose <samuel.rose at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 3:52 PM, Samuel Rose <samuel.rose at gmail.com>wrote:
>> What you are working on is interesting, for sure.
>> How would 5 people go about trying your system right now? Reason that I
>> ask is that I think I could *find* 5 people interested in trying it, if it
>> is within their means to participate.
> At first glance, it appears that your model
> http://p2pfoundation.net/P2P_Energy_Economy would require 2 way metering
> to exist (except in cases where people are producing portable energy
> sources, like biofuels).
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