[p2p-research] Fwd: The Drum Beat 476 - Awards and Funding Opportunities

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 18 12:54:24 CET 2009

If you see anything suitable for our p2pf community, thanks for letting me
know as well,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: The Drum Beat <drumbeat at comminit.com>
Date: Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 7:46 AM
Subject: The Drum Beat 476 - Awards and Funding Opportunities
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com

The Drum Beat - Issue 476 - Awards and Funding Opportunities
January 19 2009

>From The Communication Initiative Network - where communication and media
are central to social and economic development.

Subscribe to The Drum Beat: http://www.comminit.com/en/user/register
Access this issue online at http://www.comminit.com/en/drum_beat_476.html

Drum Beat Subscribers: 43,009
CI Portal User Sessions, past 12 months: 2,529,192


This issue of The Drum Beat includes a selection of awards and funding
opportunities with deadlines between January 1 and April 30 2009, from a
more complete list summarised on The Communication Initiative (The CI)
website. Details about the prizes are in the full descriptions, including
criteria, deadlines, and previous winners. Please click on the links
provided below for the full descriptions.

There are additional awards and funding opportunities available on The
Communication Initiative Global website; please see the Awards -
http://www.comminit.com/en/awards.html - and Funding Opportunities -
http://www.comminit.com/en/funding.html - sections of The CI website for
information on more support initiatives.

If you have information about other contests, prizes, and funding
opportunities that address communication for development issues and
strategies, please contact us. Send details and links to Deborah Heimann
dheimann at comminit.com Many thanks!


The Drum Beat 476 Contents:

* We've RE-ORGANISED the CI website!
* 15 AWARDS Opportunities
* NEW Early Child Development POLL
* INVITATION: Become a CI Blogger
* 11 FUNDING Opportunities
* Upcoming Publication: Development CLASSIFIEDS



New year, newly re-organised CI website!


Now you can filter and sort each Knowledge Section by various categories -
Region, Development Issue, Communication Tool, Communication Approach - and,
in the case of Awards and Funding Opportunities, by Deadline Date!

We hope this evolution will make it easier for you to find what you are
looking for within the ever-growing body of rich wisdom you have shared with
us and each other. As always, our Advanced Search function remains open to
you as well.

Please take a look at http://www.comminit.com/en/awards.html and
http://www.comminit.com/en/funding.html and let us know what you think!

Send us your questions or comments at info at comminit.com



1.      Excellence in Media Award for Global Health
Awarding a journalist (print, electronic, and/or visual) who has in the
prior year most effectively captured the essence of a major issue in global
health and conveyed it to a broad audience. The Global Health Council
recognises the vital role played by the media in informing the public, as
well as decision-makers, and seeks through this award to highlight the
important contributions to understanding and action made by the winner of
the award.
Deadline: January 30 2009

2.      UNESCO World Press Freedom Prize
Inviting member states, regional and international organisations, and
professional and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) working in the field
of journalism and freedom of expression to nominate candidates for the
UNESCO World Press Freedom Prize. The US$25,000 award honours a journalist
or organisation that has made a notable contribution to the defence and
promotion of press freedom anywhere in the world, especially if this
involved risk. The prize is awarded every year on World Press Freedom Day.
Deadline: January 31 2009

3.      Technology in Government in Africa (TIGA) Awards
Recognising the work of African governments in the effective use of
information and communication technologies (ICTs) for public services
delivery. Initiated by the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the
Canada Fund for Africa, the award is an effort to create greater awareness
on the role of ICTs in public services and the development process within
the framework of the African Information Society Initiative (AISI).
Deadline: January 31 2009

4.      Asia Pacific Rice Film Award 2008
Inviting filmmakers and new media artists across the Asia Pacific region to
enter their audio-visual creations for this award recognising excellence in
films on rice-related issues. Presented by Pesticide Action Network Asia and
the Pacific (PAN AP), TVE Asia Pacific (TVEAP), and Public Media Agency
(PMA) of Malaysia, the competition is open to both fictional and factual
films on the theme of Asia's rice heritage and the threats it faces in this
era of globalisation.
Deadline: January 31 2009

5.      Vodafone Wireless Innovation Project
Funding the best innovations using wireless-related technology to address
critical social issues around the world. United States (US)-based non-profit
charity organisations and universities are eligible to apply. The Vodafone
Americas Foundation will award three prizes of US$300,000, US$200,000, and
US$100,000 for unique, late-stage wireless innovations that offer the best
potential for creating social change in the areas of education, health,
economic development, the environment, and access to communication.
Deadline: February 2 2009

6.      Gold Quill Awards - Special Categories
Accepting entries for the 2009 Gold Quill Awards of the International
Association of Business Communicators (IABC). The programme aims to cross
communication disciplines and reviews entries from professional
communicators ranging from strategists to tacticians. Some of the award
categories are related to community relations and developmental
Deadline: February 3 2009


Please VOTE in our NEW Early Child Development POLL!

When children are first entering school, it is most important to teach:

* technological aptitude (e.g., how to use computers).
* languages other than their native one.
* emotional/social skills.
* healthy living.

VOTE and COMMENT at http://www.comminit.com/en/node/283060/303


7.      Chinese Children's Painting Competition
Inviting Chinese children to compete at the school level, and school-level
winners to compete in a national selection for the 2nd Chinese Children's
Painting Competition. The theme of this year's Chinese Children's Painting
Competition is "Climate Change: Our Challenge". The first prize paintings
from the national selection will be submitted to the global selection of the
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) International Children's
Painting Competition.
Deadline: February 20 2009

8.      SLUM-TV Video Competition
Soliciting 3-minute videos on the subject of how you would prepare for a
stay in one of the largest African slums, Mathare, Nairobi, Kenya, if given
the prize of a visit. The award is a 10-day stay, "all inclusive", in
Mathare, where this Slum-TV project is based. Interested participants need
to respond to a video available online (please see the full posting for
details). Responses need to be in a video format.
Deadline: February 21 2009

9.      World Summit Youth Award
Recognising youth-led projects that encourage the active participation of
young people in the emerging information society. The World Summit Youth
Award (WSYA) is intended to be a global 'youth for youth' initiative for
selecting and promoting best practice in e-content and technological
creativity, demonstrating young people's potential to create digital
opportunities. The WSYA lies within the framework of the United Nations
World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS); the winners will be
celebrated at the World Summit Award Gala at the WSIS.
Deadline: February 28 2009

10.     Rodos International Films and Visual Arts Festival Ecofilms Prize
Inviting submissions of documentaries, shorts, and features with
environmental and ecology themes, particularly those dealing with
conservation issues and issues related to the natural, the human, and the
built environment. Prizes are awarded to films for their innovative approach
in conservation issues, for their daring proposal in subject matter, and for
their artistic qualities overall.
Deadline: March 1 2009

11.     World's Children's Prize for the Rights of the Child (WCPRC)
Honouring three individuals or organisations for outstanding contributions
on behalf of the rights of the child. The election of finalists is
structured as a worldwide educational and empowerment process for the rights
of the child and democracy and gives the world's children an opportunity to
present the prizes that are awarded for outstanding contributions on behalf
of the rights of the child.
Deadline: March 1 2009

12.     Showcomotion Young People's Film Festival
Accepting submissions for the 2009 Showcomotion Young People's Film Festival
(June 25 - July 9 2009) of films made both for and by children and young
people from across the United Kingdom (UK) and the world. They can be shorts
or features including fiction, documentary, and animation.
Deadline: March 20 2009

13.     Tech Awards
Awarding innovators from around the world who use technology to benefit
humanity. Individuals, for-profit companies, and not-for-profit
organisations are eligible to apply. The purpose of the Tech Awards
programme is to inspire future scientists, technologists, and dreamers to
harness the power and "promise of technology to solve the challenges that
confront us at the dawn of the 21st Century".
Deadline: March 27 2009

14.     Prize for Women's Creativity in Rural Life Award
Honouring creative and courageous women and women's groups around the world
for their contributions to improving the quality of life in rural
communities. At least 20 prizes will be awarded, and a donation of US$3000
will be awarded for established organisations in Africa. The prizes are
focused on drawing international attention to the laureates' contributions
to sustainable development, household food security, and peace, thus
generating more recognition and support for their projects.
Deadline: March 31 2009

15.     Stop TB Partnership/Lilly MDR-TB Partnership Journalism Award
Recognising outstanding reporting and commentary in print and on the web
that increases the public's knowledge and understanding of tuberculosis (TB)
and multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB), in countries affected by the disease.
The winning articles must be published between March 1 2008 and March 31
2009 in a general circulation newspaper, magazine, or web news vehicle.
Categories include both low- or middle-income and high-income countries.
Deadline: April 30 2009


Become a CI Blogger!

Contact Warren Feek at wfeek at comminit.com



16.     Metcalf Science Immersion Workshop Journalism Fellowships
Awarding ten fellowships for early- to mid-career journalists to attend the
weeklong Annual Science Immersion Workshop, June 7-12 2009. Focusing on
global change in coastal ecosystems, Fellows will participate in fieldwork
in and around Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, United States (US), and lab
exercises at the University of Rhode Island's Graduate School of
Oceanography. According to the Institute, there is limited space for non-US
citizens. A fellowship provides tuition, room, board, and partial travel
support for attendance in the full programme week.
Postmark deadline: January 26 2009

17.     Southern African Journalists' Bursary
Offering a bursary to as many as 6 young Southern African and as many as 5
young German journalists. The Southern African-German Journalists' Programme
is an effort to shape an integrated understanding of another country and
region and to foster relations between Africa and Germany.
Deadline: January 31 2009

18.     2008-9 CBA MA Bursaries
Offering two bursaries to full-time staff of the Commonwealth Broadcasting
Association's (CBA's) member organisations from developing countries in the
Commonwealth for post-graduate courses at the City University and the
University of Westminster in London, United Kingdom (UK). The Master of Arts
(MA) Bursaries are in International Journalism at the City University and in
broadcast-related subjects at the Westminster University. The scholarship is
tenable for one year.
Deadline: January 31 2009

19.     New Voices Grants
Inviting US non-profit groups and education organisations to apply for
funding to launch new community news ventures and to cooperate with J-Lab in
spotlighting best practices and lessons learned. Funding is available for
start-up news initiatives only. Successful applicants will be ventures that
benefit a defined geographic or special-interest community, and foster an
open exchange of journalistically sound ideas, information, news, and
opinion in those communities.
Deadline: February 12 2009

20.     EASSI 2009 Young Women's Internship Programme
Providing opportunities to females between the ages of 20 and 35 who are
citizens of Burundi, Ethiopia, Rwanda, or Uganda for learning, interacting,
and networking. Its objective is to develop and enhance young women's skills
in leadership, gender, lobbying and advocacy, management, report writing and
analysis, research and documentation, information management, resourceful
database development, website maintenance, and resource centre management.
Deadline: February 13 2009



Development Classifieds is an initiative of The Communication Initiative
which includes listings of any development-related jobs, consultants,
requests for proposals (RFPs), events, training opportunities, and books,
journals, or videos for sale. Please see

The next issue of the Development Classifieds E-magazine will be published
January 21 2009.

Please submit open vacancies from within your organisation, event
information, training opportunities, upcoming RFPs, details about your
consultancy skills, and information about books, journals, or videos for
sale as soon as possible to ensure inclusion.


21.     H.J. Heinz Company Foundation Fellowship Program
Awarding one year of practical, professional, and non-degree educational
experiences through the University of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, in the United States. Heinz Fellowships are granted to
individuals from developing countries who demonstrate potential as future
leaders in the public, government, non-profit, or private sectors.
Deadline: March 2 2009

22.     Production Grant for Photographers from Central Asia, the Caucasus,
Afghanistan, Mongolia, and Pakistan
Announcing a grant opportunity for documentary photographers from Central
Asia, the Caucasus, Afghanistan, Mongolia, and Pakistan. Approximately 20
grants in the amount of US$3,500 each will be awarded to photographers to
produce a discrete body of work on a current human rights or social justice
issue in the region.
Deadline: March 20 2009

23.     The Sephis Programme
Encouraging research proposals at the interface of history, theory, and
development practice. Fellowships are available at the post-doctoral and PhD
levels from the South-South Exchange Programme for Research on the History
of Development (Sephis programme). Funding will be provided for travel,
research costs, and salary according to local standards.
Deadline: April 15 2009

24.     Rosalynn Carter Fellowships For Mental Health Journalism
Inviting applications from journalists who produce high-quality work
designed to help reduce stigma and discrimination against mental illnesses.
The Rosalynn Carter Fellowships for Mental Health Journalism provide
stipends to journalists in the United States, South Africa, New Zealand, and
Romania to study topics related to mental health or mental illnesses. The
contents of the application packet are outlined on The Carter Center
Deadline: April 20 2009

25.     Scholar Rescue Fund (SRF) Fellowships
Providing fellowships for established scholars whose lives and work are
threatened in their home countries. These fellowships permit professors,
researchers, and other senior academics to find temporary refuge at
universities and colleges anywhere in the world, enabling them to pursue
their academic work and to continue to share their knowledge with students,
colleagues, and the community at large. During the fellowship, conditions in
a scholar's home country may improve, permitting safe return
post-fellowship; if safe return is not possible, the scholar may use the
fellowship period to identify a longer-term opportunity.
Deadline: Rolling deadline; applications reviewed thrice yearly

26.     MacArthur Foundation Grants for Human Rights and International
Seeking organisations to expand and strengthen the network of human rights
organisations in Nigeria, Mexico, and Russia that provide the basic
infrastructure for a national human rights culture based on the rule of law.
Grants are awarded only to organisations that define clear objectives for
their work and measures of progress toward those objectives. The foundation
provides multi-year support.
Deadline: Rolling deadline


This issue of The Drum Beat was written by Julie Levy.


The Drum Beat is the email and web network of The Communication Initiative
Partnership - ANDI, BBC World Service Trust, Bernard van Leer Foundation,
Calandria, CFSC Consortium, CIDA, DFID, FAO, Fundación Nuevo Periodismo
Iberoamericano, Ford Foundation, Healthlink Worldwide, Inter-American
Development Bank, International Institute for Communication and Development,
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Communication
Programs, MISA, PAHO, The Panos Institute, The Rockefeller Foundation,
SAfAIDS, Sesame Workshop, Soul City, Swiss Agency for Development and
Cooperation, UNAIDS, UNDP, UNICEF, USAID, WHO, W.K. Kellogg Foundation.

Chair of the Partners Group: Garth Japhet, Founder, Soul City
garth at heartlines.org.za
Executive Director: Warren Feek wfeek at comminit.com


The Drum Beat seeks to cover the full range of communication for development
activities. Inclusion of an item does not imply endorsement or support by
The Partners.

Please send material for The Drum Beat to the Editor - Deborah Heimann
dheimann at comminit.com

To reproduce any portion of The Drum Beat, see
http://www.comminit.com/en/editorialpolicy/global for our policy.

To subscribe, see http://www.comminit.com/en/user/register
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