[p2p-research] Scholarships for complementary currency designers

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 17 05:13:28 CET 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Helen Titchen Beeth <helen.titchen.beeth at mac.com>

*From: *Kathleen Battke <kathleen.battke at gaiauniversity.de>
*Date: *Fri 16 Jan 2009 19:49:05 GMT+01:00
*To: *George Por <George at Community-Intelligence.com>, Helen Titchen Beeth <
helen.titchen.beeth at mac.com>, Ria Baeck <ria.baeck at vitis-tct.be>, Burren
Theory U Gathering <barry at peopledevelopment.ie>, Mari Hollander <
mhollander at findhorncollege.org>, Clinton Callahan <
clinton at callahan-academy.com>, Adele Napier <adele at findhorn.org>, 'Conrad
Taylor' <conrad at ideograf.demon.co.uk>, MARY MEIGHAN <
hellocelticjourneys at eircom.net>
*Subject: **Gaia University Scholarships for Money Change*

 Dear friends,
The economic self-destruction process we are experiencing now, this crisis
is definitely too valuable a chance for us to waste – and many of us do
their best to ease the pain of transformation in and around us.
Gaia U wants to support visionaries of more efficient and healthy moneys to
realize their complementary currencies projects in an entrepreneurial way by
part-scholarships. We are especially encouraging people who have sound ideas
for an educational currency to apply.
Please spread the word.
Thanks, and friendly winds for all (y)our work,

*Wanted - Money Changers:
Gaia University announces part-scholarships for 2009
especially for currency experiments
A Crisis is too valuable (and too expensive!) to be wasted – this is why we
at Gaia
University Germany have decided to use the present implosion of the
financial system to
support the emergence of money diversity. Many committed citizens
(particularly in Germany) have designed
and experimented with (mainly regional) complementary currencies. If such
systems were
established now on a larger scale, they would help to incite new regional
momentum. They function best as a supplement to the Euro for local exchange
of products
and services, and they strengthen the community glue at the local level.
Furthermore, they
spur on some creative economic solutions in certain sectors e.g. Health
Care, Elderly Care,
Education,…. Gaia University Germany, founded in 2007 with a strong
connection to the
green money movement, immediately started up with a study program entitled
Money Design".

*To use the current crisis as a possibility, Gaia University Germany has
launched two part-
scholarships in order to enhance the diversity in monetary transactions.
With 50 percent of
the fees for the first year, we will support the pioneering work of money
designers or of
already started projects. Especially we are interested in the support of
complementary currencies (Education, Life Long Learning, etc). A pool of
qualified advisors
are ready to help.

*To qualify you would need…..
*- life and project experience suitable for this complex task
- readiness to think, experiment and implement
- experience in free-flowing but still committed "liberating structures" of
methodologies like Action-Learning, or the readiness to explore them
- courage to invest in and formulate your own vision
- ability in sustainable work and methods

*The way to apply for a scholarship:
*1. Apply for participation in one of the two Starter Workshops being
offered by Gaia
University Germany this year (20.2.-1.3. or 28.8.-6.9.)
2. Submit the Career Review as first Output in the study plan, if possible
already before
the Starter Workshop
3. Meet with the Directors of Gaia University Germany for a personal
interview at the
end of the Starter Workshop or after the evaluation of the Career Review in
to possible scholarship to be granted (Here the size of the grant for the
year's fees
will be negotiated, at most 50%, according to the situation of the

It is seen as a sign of entrepreneurial responsibility that the applicants
are ready to finance
the Starter Workshop themselves. The part-scholarship will then be
supporting their further
studies. If interested, please, let us know in an application letter as soon
as possible or per
E-mail to hier at gaiauniversity.de. More information about Gaia University at
www.gaiauniversity.de  or www.gaiauniversity.org.

*- - -
Kathleen Battke M.A.
*Director Research und Communication Gaia University Germany
PostMastersDip. Organizing Learning for EcoSocial Regeneration (GaiaU)
+49 (0)5764 94 19 33, Mobile +49 (0)172 418 46 17
kathleen.battke at gaiauniversity.de
<http://www.gaiauniversity.de> <http://www.gaiauniversity.de>

*! GaiaU-**D Dates 2009 !
*** *InfoWorkshop + ProgrammStart:
20.2.-3.3.09   Lebensgarten Steyerberg (Germany)
28.8.-7.9.09   Lebensgarten Steyerberg (Germany)
October 09     Findhorn College (Scotland)
* Skills Workshops:
1.-3.4.09       Green Writing for WorldChangers
3.-5.4.09       LifeDesign: Introduction to PermaCulture

Empower New Learning, support Associates with Scholarships, make more
Programs possible:
Charitable Organisation AGaiN e.V.,
Volksbank Steyerberg, IBAN: DE 94 256 625 40 000 4643400

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