[p2p-research] Fwd: [pox] Third Call for Papers and Invited Session Proposals

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 12 14:24:29 CET 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: IMSCI 2009 <imsci at mail.ictconfer.org>
Date: Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 10:48 PM
Subject: [pox] Third Call for Papers and Invited Session Proposals
To: PROJEKT at oekonux.de

New set of deadlines for The 3rd International Multi-Conference on Society,
Cybernetics and Informatics: IMSCI 2009 (http://www.ICTconfer.org/imsci).
(Orlando, Florida, USA. July 10th-13th, 2009)
Papers/abstracts submissions and Invited Sessions Proposals: February 4th,
Authors Notification: March 30th, 2009
Camera ready, full papers: June 4th, 2009

Pre-Conference and Post-conference VIRTUAL session (via electronic forums)
will be held for each session included in the conference program, so
sessions' papers can be read before the conference, and authors presenting
at the same session can interact during one week before the conferences, and
after it is over. Authors can also participate in peer-to-peer reviewing in
virtual sessions.

All Submitted papers will be reviewed by a double-blind (at least three
reviewers), non-blind, and participative peer review, via Virtual sessions.
These three kinds of review will support the selection process of those that
will be accepted for their presentation at the conference, as well as those
to be selected for their publication in JSCI Journal. Details are given in
the conference web site.

For Invited Sessions Proposals, please go to the conference web site or
directly to: http://www.ICTconfer.org/imsci/Organizer.asp

All attendees of the last IMSCI 2008 conference, and its collocated ones,
were asked to be surveyed online. Those who filled the survey form (602
attendees) rated the conferences with an average of 8.42 on a scale of 10.
More specifically, 58.7% rated them in the range of 8-10, while just 7
attendees (1.16%) rated them below 5. More details regarding this and other
questions can be found at:

Authors of accepted papers who registered in the conference will have access
to the reviews made to their submission so they can accordingly improve the
final version of their papers. Non-registered authors may not have access to
the reviews of their respective submissions.

Awards will be granted to the best paper of those presented at each session.
>From these session's best papers, the best 10%-20% of the papers presented
at the conference will be selected for their publication in Volume 7 of JSCI
Journal (http://www.j-sci.com/Journal/SCI/). Libraries of journal author's
organizations will receive complimentary subscriptions of at least one
volume (6 issues).

Best regards,

IMSCI 2009 Secretariat

If you wish to be removed from this mailing list, please send an email to
remove at mail.ICTconfer.org with REMOVE MLCONFERENCES in the subject line
Address: Torre Profesional La California, Av. Francisco de Miranda, Caracas,

This invitation to participate in IMSCI 2009 have been sent to authors who
had already presented a quality paper in a prestigious conference in a topic
or area similar to those included in IMSCI 2009


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