[p2p-research] Fwd: Two great resources on mobile: stats 2009 and 50 case studies on mAd

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 27 07:57:32 CET 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tomi T Ahonen <ttahonen at yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 12:28 PM
Subject: Two great resources on mobile: stats 2009 and 50 case studies on
To: tomi at tomiahonen.com

Two great resources for you around mobile

I have launched two eBooks to accompany my six hardcover bestsellers on the
mobile industry. These two 171 page eBooks are formated for the small
screen, so that you can conveniently load them onto your smartphone, iPhone,
Blackberry or PDA and have the data at your fingertips.

The Tomi Ahonen Almanac 2009 is the comprehensive statistics and facts eBook
on the industry with 70 charts, diagrams and tables, to cover every global
statistic you might want, based on my famous annual industry updates that
have been referenced in over a hundred blogs and websites winning numerous
best blog peer reviews etc.

The Almanac has 2009 stats from the 4 billion mobile phone subscriptions and
how many of those are unique phone subscribers, and how many actual phones
are there in the world; to the installed base of phones (how many have
cameras, memory cards, 3G data speeds etc); to SMS text messaging, the
mobile internet, the major categories of mobile content and advertising,
etc. The Almanac also includes tables covering the 60 major countries with
the significant data for each, and 20 largest mobile operator/carrier groups
etc. To see more on the Almanac, and sample pages including many stats and
graphs, please look at this link:


The Almanac is having a very positive reception and has been recommended for
example by Smart Mobs, Symbian Guru, WAP Review, MobHappy etc. There is also
a corporate license if you want to have this resource available for your

Secondly, if you are interested in mobile advertising and marketing, then my
new eBook Pearls Vol 1: Mobile Advertising has 50 case studies from 19
countries that are essentially the sharpest ideas and best practises in this
rapidly evolving area. It too is 171 pages in length, and formated to fit a
smartphone screen, so you can actually have 50 great mobile marketing ideas
literally in your pocket. Again there are sample pages including several of
the Pearls themselves at the website for the eBook:


Pearls Vol 1 is very warmly received in particular by those in the mobile
marketing space, from the Chairman of the MMA Mobile Marketing Association,
Russell Buckely recommending it, to Ogilvy listing it on their pages etc.

Obviously both eBooks are available for immediate electronic delivery today.
Please take a look.

Also I continue to blog with Alan Moore at
www.communities-dominate.blogs.com about media, marketing and digital
convergence topics (with a lot of emphasis on mobile) but I also have
launched a mobile-specific blog to support my current hardcover book around
its topics at


I am here in Hong Kong available to do workshops and seminars if you happen
to have a need.

Take a look at the two eBooks, I think you could like them

Tomi Ahonen :-)


Working at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University -
http://www.dpu.ac.th/dpuic/info/Research.html -

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