[p2p-research] List of articles on Indium/Gallium Supplies

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Wed Feb 25 06:02:29 CET 2009

On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 11:54:35 AM -0800, marc fawzi wrote:
> We had ample debate but (after asking twice) no one has provided a
> link to the paper that says gallium/indium supplies are at risk of
> being depleted in the short term.

It just occurred to me that the right thing to do, or one of them at
least, would have been to contact directly A. Reller (the author of
that paper) and ask _him_ to put the paper online and/or comment to
the pages posted here which attak his thesis. I'm really sorry I
didn't think of this sooner.

Reller's email address is armin.reller, at physik.uni-augsburg.de.
I've already written to him privately and will report here any
feedback, but obviously you're all encouraged to do the same.

		Marco F.
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