[p2p-research] Fwd: [Open Manufacturing] Fwd: there is no energy crisis

Samuel Rose samuel.rose at gmail.com
Fri Feb 20 08:55:48 CET 2009

Hi Tere

> Certainly, I agree completely. However, I think with this solution (which I
> believe will be inevitable, and is already underway in several places around
> the world) we will find ourselves functioning at a much lower level of
> energy use than the current 85 million barrels per day. This is also because
> we will not be making solar panels, much less nano solar panels.
> I also want to add re: Marc's point "It's simple demand-supply math. If
> gallium is about to run out in 15 years, those who produce it would be
> complete idiots not to raise its price." that while this is a nice ideal, it
> does not work in reality. For example, currently the price of oil is driven
> down by a wedge: it is too expensive for users (because of the economic
> downturn) and too cheap for the producers (who are *shutting down*
> production and *delaying* or *abandoning* new production because of the low
> price.) This might very well result in more oil being left in the ground
> despite the fact that it at the same time relatively "runs out". All of this
> is happening despite the fact that everybody knows that oil will run out in
> the time of some decades.

I agree with you. It is common practice to shut down oil wells due to
the economics of production. There are shut down oil wells all over
Mid-Michigan that sit on top of still-productive reserves for this
reason (and the cost of refining, etc. refineries have been decreased
in the US, so it costs more on a baseline level to process and refine

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Sam Rose
Social Synergy
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"Long ago, we brought you all this fire.
Do not imagine we are still chained to that rock...."


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