[p2p-research] Fwd: [Open Manufacturing] Fwd: there is no energy crisis

Tere Vadén tere.vaden at uta.fi
Fri Feb 20 07:36:53 CET 2009

> One could argue that the the Net Energy Cliff is based on the assumptions that:
> -The consumption of Fuel
> -The monoculture nature of biomass production
> ...will remain the same.
> However, what if Permaculture were used for biomass production? what
> if natural processes were used for processing?
> ***What if some energy needs we replaced with natural  systems (like
> fertilization of agriculture, home and commercial heating and cooling,
> treatment of water systems, production of printed materials, plastics,
> etc etc)?****
> The future will not be like the past, or the present.
> More importantly, if you and I (we) get *involved in the production*
> of replacements for infrastructure, technology, processes and
> practices that require traditional petroleum-based fuel production,
> then we up the likelihood that the past will not be like the future.

Certainly, I agree completely. However, I think with this solution 
(which I believe will be inevitable, and is already underway in several 
places around the world) we will find ourselves functioning at a much 
lower level of energy use than the current 85 million barrels per day. 
This is also because we will not be making solar panels, much less nano 
solar panels.

I also want to add re: Marc's point "It's simple demand-supply math. If 
gallium is about to run out in 15 years, those who produce it would be 
complete idiots not to raise its price." that while this is a nice 
ideal, it does not work in reality. For example, currently the price of 
oil is driven down by a wedge: it is too expensive for users (because of 
the economic downturn) and too cheap for the producers (who are 
*shutting down* production and *delaying* or *abandoning* new production 
because of the low price.) This might very well result in more oil being 
left in the ground despite the fact that it at the same time relatively 
"runs out". All of this is happening despite the fact that everybody 
knows that oil will run out in the time of some decades.

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