[p2p-research] Fwd: Announcing Supernova 2009 -- December 1-3, SF

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 20 04:20:52 CET 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kevin Werbach <kevin at supernovagroup.net>
Date: Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 9:37 AM
Subject: Announcing Supernova 2009 -- December 1-3, SF
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com

    [image: Supernova 2009: December 1-3] <http://www.supernova2009.com>

Change is in the air. The past year demonstrated the promise and the peril
of our densely connected world. Old policies and practices break down when
individuals self-organize into movements, data flows openly across
boundaries, consumers become creators, and shocks cascade through the
system. In business as in politics, new strategies are essential.

Come to Supernova 2009 <http://www.supernova2009.com>, December 1-3 in San
Francisco, CA, to become an agent of change, rather than a victim of it.

A Time of Transition

Over the past few months, I was fortunate to see the process of change
first-hand, as a member of the Obama Administration's Presidential
Transition Team.  We're holding Supernova later this year because of the
time I was in Washington DC.  The experience reinforced my conviction that
governments, businesses, and individuals are having the same conversations.
We have a lot to learn from one another!  I'm excited to spark some of those
discussions at Supernova.

Supernova 2009 Theme: Change Networks

For several years, Supernova has examined what we call the New Network:
universal interconnectedness at the physical, software, and social level.
Networks are central instruments of the changes sweeping our world.  At the
same time, networks themselves must change.

To succeed in this challenging environment, we need new infrastructure, new
business models, new government policies, new industries, and new approaches
that take advantage of the new network.  And we can't understand these
changes from a single vantage point.  Insights come from appreciating the
interplay of economic, technical, social, and political forces that define
our era.

*Embracing the Network Age

Last year, Supernova changed its format to embrace the network model.
Supernova 2009 will continue that reinvention, with open
forums<http://www.supernova2009.com/go/openflow>and Challenge
Sessions <http://www.supernova2009.com/go/schedule> on topics such as:

Taking Open Data Seriously · Cloud Computing: Perfect Storm or Silver
Lining? · Government's New Deal for the Tech Sector · Clash of the Platforms
· Broaderband: What Comes After Universal Connectivity? · The Open
Enterprise · Media: The Worst Of Times, the Best Of Times · Managing Amid
Abundance: Strategies for a Connected World · Thinking Locally, Acting
Globally · Infrastructure: Back to the Future? · Technology Meets
Sustainability · There Must be a Business Model in Here Somewhere

Stay tuned for registration details and speaker information.  Follow our
Twitter account, SupernovaHub <https://twitter.com/supernovahub>, for

We invite your organization to partner with us. Leading companies such as
Nokia, IBM, BT, AT&T, and Cisco, as well as top startups and VCs, have used
Supernova to gain visibility and connect with thought leaders. To explore
integrated speaking, blogging and sponsorship opportunities, please
contact Jeanne
Logozzo <jlogo at supernovagroup.net>.

Supernova: Be challenged. Be proactive. Be Productive.
We hope to see you in December!

-Kevin Werbach, Jeanne Logozzo, and the Supernova Team

        [image: Safe
email was sent to michelsub2004 at gmail.com by kevin at supernovagroup.net.
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   Supernova Group | 825 Stoke Road | Villanova | PA | 19085

Working at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University -
http://www.dpu.ac.th/dpuic/info/Research.html -

Volunteering at the P2P Foundation:
http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net -

Monitor updates at http://del.icio.us/mbauwens

The work of the P2P Foundation is supported by SHIFTN,
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