[p2p-research] [Open Manufacturing] Fwd: there is no energy crisis

marc fawzi marc.fawzi at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 21:39:11 CET 2009

Re: Fioretti

>> Having said that, I highly doubt that gallium will be depleted in 15
>> years because that assumes that none of the companies who have spent
>> tens of billions of dollars on gallium-based technologies have
>> bothered to research the issue.
> I think your assumption that the average CEO of these days does give a
> damn of where the specific multinational he's leading today will be in
> 15+ years is the weakest seen so far in this thread. This doesn't mean
> there is no alternative to gallium being in the works, of course.

It's simple demand-supply math. If gallium is about to run out in 15
years, those who produce it would be complete idiots not to raise its
price. So if it is indeed running out the suppliers would be first to
know because that is how they make their living, like how you make
your living sifting through list mail.

>> The fact that all these powerful interests (who have everything to
>> lose if those substances cease to exist) continue to invest heavily
>> in NEW uses for gallium and indium (including post-silicon chip
>> technology)...  means that the suppliers are not seeing shortage any
>> time soon.
> If the executives of the 3 big USA automakers hadn't told their
> government "we kept making big SUVs which would only make sense with
> almost-free gas and an ever-growing economy until we completely
> screwed up, please give us money" just a few weeks ago, I may have
> less problems with such a statement.

It definitely does raise the subjective probability that such behavior
is prevalent but we're talking about 3 major industries + the defense
industry being highly dependent on gallium production, so to assume
all those industries are run by utter idiots (not just the CEOs but
everyone in the upper echelon) is a little bit pessimistic (and in
almost racism.. as in racism against those with MBAs) No everyone is a
banker or Wall Streeter. Let's have _some_ faith in fellow men while
we take apart and rethink the system.


p.s. there is no "proper" way to quote. If you had explained the
reason rather than demand that others quote "proplerly" then I would
have put your name up top or even in the title, so you can filter. But
that raises the question: if you have such little bandwidth why do you
waste my time and others responding in sound bites? I think your
argument that you need to know immediately who the reply is for
assumes that you only have enough bandwidth to give a mediocre answer.
This maybe the reason i don't want to make it easier for you/others to
resort to ADD mode. If you want direct communication that works for
ADD or limited bandwidth, go discuss stuff on Twitter.

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