[p2p-research] Wikiversity’s potential in global capacity building

Tere Vadén tere.vaden at uta.fi
Thu Feb 19 18:18:55 CET 2009

 > This is perhaps a good moment to ask Tere explicitely how they see their
 > relation to the wikipedia and the wikimedia foundation, especially in
 > the light of their problems with democratic governance?
 > Michel

I forwarded the question to my co-authors as well, and here is what I got:

Teemu, who, btw, is a member of the foundation's advisory board, replied 
in Finnish that he does not see/recognise a problem with regard to 
democratic governance.

Juha wrote: "I am not aware of the possible democracy gaps in Wikipedia 
besides the obvious problems relating to the epistemological questions 
of specific article topics (what is worth knowing, what information gets 
through as a WP article etc.), and some stupid censors (a.k.a admins). 
But all and all, I hope that Wikiversity will develop as a true 
grassroots movement, that is, as much as possible as a bottom-up 
endeavor. What else that means in practice than that those who 
participate share some common elements of .... decency, honesty, 
openness etc. (Marxist tells that she is a Marxist as well as Christian 

I really have not much add to Juha. So this seems to be a good time for 
everybody to instruct us on what *are* the problems of democratic 
governance. Links would be fine! :)

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