[p2p-research] [Open Manufacturing] Fwd: there is no energy crisis

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Thu Feb 19 12:28:07 CET 2009

On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 03:04:49 AM -0800, marc fawzi wrote:
> First off, I know nothing about nanosolar other than what you've
> mentioned.

> I had joined the debate to voice the opinion that if some substance
> is running out it does not mean that all industries depending on it
> will just cease to exist.

IIRC, the point of *this* specific debate is *only* whether the
*specific* claim that "there is no energy crisis *because* nanosolar
will give us real cheap PV" is still credible after one finds out

- there is a report (almost two years old) saying Indium and Gallium
  will finish in <15 years or so
- right now, we know of no newer (or older) reports proving the
- nanosolar doesn't seem to know about indium/gallium scarcity (which
  would drive prices to the roof) AND has no alternative technology that
  we know of

That's all, really. As far as I see, we were never debating "whether
or not we can keep the [whole] solar industry alive before gallium and
indium are depleted". I certainly wasn't, and certainly don't think
that the world will come to an end if and just because indium and
gallium disappear. It is even perfectly possible that there is no
energy crisis whatever. It's just that that specific argument to prove
it seems really weak.

Marco F.

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