[p2p-research] Fwd: Yi-Tan Tech Community Call 219 - The Future of News - 1:30pm EST, Monday February 23, 2009

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 11:44:55 CET 2009

if someone decides to listen in/particpate, it would be nice to have a


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jerry Michalski <jerry at sociate.com>
Date: Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 1:07 PM
Subject: Yi-Tan Tech Community Call 219 - The Future of News - 1:30pm EST,
Monday February 23, 2009
To: Yi-Tan List <Yi-Tan at googlegroups.com>


You can hardly walk outdoors without hearing a wail that the news business
is dying <http://thedw.us/post/78222312/lights-out-david-horsey>... or being
reinvented -- without money.

The possibility of a world without MSM (mainstream media) may seem
distressing, but other organisms seem to be moving into its place. We've had
calls about NowPublic<http://www.yi-tan.com/wiki/yi-tan/public_journalism?wikiPageId=932141>.com
and hyperlocal news<http://www.yi-tan.com/wiki/yi-tan/the_business_of_hyperlocal_news>;
we haven't talked about Spot.us <http://spot.us/> and other new ventures.

With Liza Boyd<http://www.yi-tan.com/wiki/yi-tan/Liza_Boyd?wikiPageId=1605419>,
Mitch Ratcliffe<http://www.yi-tan.com/wiki/yi-tan/Mitch_Ratcliffe?wikiPageId=1605417>and
Gillmor <http://www.yi-tan.com/wiki/yi-tan/Dan_Gillmor?wikiPageId=1605418>,
let's discuss:

   - How long will today's mainstream news enterprises last?
   - What is replacing them? What seems to work these days? What's missing?
   - How might we envision a news environment of the future?

Here are some articles and posts about the future of news:

   - Crowd Funding: A Different Way to Pay for the News You
   - What Would Micropayments Do for
read Clay's response)
   - The Day the Newspaper
   - Facebook and Twitter Are Reshaping Journalism As We Know
It<http://www.alternet.org/module/printversion/121211>(Rory O'Connor)

As always, an IRC
be available during the call,
here. Let's continue tweeting, using
This page is on a wiki,
  Date:    Monday, February 23, 2009
Time:    10:30 PST, 1:30 EST

Dial-in Number: 1-712-580-1100
Participant Access Code: 778778

Wiki goodness at www.yi-tan.com

Please feel free to forward this note to people you think would be
interested in these calls.

Talk to you on the call!



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