[p2p-research] Stadial growth

marc fawzi marc.fawzi at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 06:38:31 CET 2009

Have you considered applying it to a narrow specialized case (that has
wide applicability, e.g. co-ownership of software and co-production) ?

2009/2/18 Patrick Anderson <agnucius at gmail.com>:
>> Laibman wrote:
>>> Capitalism is a system which cannot structurally
>>> solve the problems of nature and equity.
> Raoul Victor wrote:
>> I agree in the sense that capitalism is a
>> system whose goal is profit, and only profit.
> Profit occurs when a Consumer pays an Owner
> more than Cost for a good or service delivered.
> Except when the Consumer
> has enough Ownership himself.
> When you own a nut tree or a chainsaw or a boat,
> you then receive that product or objective at cost.
> We must pay all Costs; from that we'll never escape.
> But Profit is zero when the Source Owner is the Object User.
> Users could gain Freedom and community could grow
> if we could ever figure out how to cooperatively co-own.
> Accumulation could be diffusion
> if we could just learn how share.
> We could make a new Mode of Production
> whose goal is product and only product.
>> When the rate of profit falls too much, when the
>> new markets become insufficient, capitalist growth
>> declines and becomes negative, independently of
>> any subjective factor.
> "Capitalist growth" is the perpetuation of profit.
> Let's make a new business based on equity.
> We'll treat profit as a measure of scarcity.
> The next step is working out and writing down
> the rules of operation for this Use Value venture.
> Then, when that's ready we can begin to co-own
> web servers for storage and searching and all that.
> We will co-own the equipment for making beer.
> We will co-own all the tools to fix and build and do.
> We can co-own the Sources of all Objects we need.
> After we write the "Rules of Conduct" to evade usury.
>> Patrick
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