[p2p-research] Stadial growth

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 05:42:52 CET 2009

> Laibman wrote:
>> Capitalism is a system which cannot structurally
>> solve the problems of nature and equity.

Raoul Victor wrote:
> I agree in the sense that capitalism is a
> system whose goal is profit, and only profit.

Profit occurs when a Consumer pays an Owner
more than Cost for a good or service delivered.

Except when the Consumer
has enough Ownership himself.

When you own a nut tree or a chainsaw or a boat,
you then receive that product or objective at cost.

We must pay all Costs; from that we'll never escape.
But Profit is zero when the Source Owner is the Object User.

Users could gain Freedom and community could grow
if we could ever figure out how to cooperatively co-own.

Accumulation could be diffusion
if we could just learn how share.

We could make a new Mode of Production
whose goal is product and only product.

> When the rate of profit falls too much, when the
> new markets become insufficient, capitalist growth
> declines and becomes negative, independently of
> any subjective factor.

"Capitalist growth" is the perpetuation of profit.

Let's make a new business based on equity.
We'll treat profit as a measure of scarcity.

The next step is working out and writing down
the rules of operation for this Use Value venture.

Then, when that's ready we can begin to co-own
web servers for storage and searching and all that.

We will co-own the equipment for making beer.
We will co-own all the tools to fix and build and do.

We can co-own the Sources of all Objects we need.
After we write the "Rules of Conduct" to evade usury.


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