[p2p-research] [p2pf] Thai government attack against organic agriculture

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Wed Feb 11 15:48:54 CET 2009


> Multinational chemical companies are expected to benefit once production and
> commercialisation of the alternative substances is curbed, he said.

Scarcity increases Profit,
And we treat Profit as a reward for owners.

So how can we expect a for-profit corporation to do anything besides
seek scarcity?
It would literally be against the law for the steering-committee of
such a business to do anything besides maximize Profit.

We must construct a new way of doing business that treats *Product* as the goal,
Instead of our infantile, self-serving, myopic goal of keeping price above cost.

But this can only work if the initial investors are willing to be paid
in Product instead of Profit.
Such an arrangement is straightforward when the investors/owners are
the very consumers of those products.

Together we must buy factories and farms for the sole purpose of Product,
While any Profit collected while selling to non-owners would be the
investment of he who paid it.

Consumers Unite!


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