[p2p-research] P2P TV?

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Sat Feb 7 18:09:08 CET 2009

On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 12:17 PM, Matt Cooperrider
<mattcooperrider at gmail.com> wrote:
> What if everyone on the list made a 3 minute video about his or her work?  I
> set up a tipping point campaign at the above link to see if I could get 12
> pledges to get the ball rolling.  I'm pledge number one.

What about peers that cannot afford to buy or rent a video camera?

We could share one if we knew how to share.

But almost nobody owns land; we rent it from bankers.


What did those bankers do that we should give them so much value?

If there were only 1,000 people on Earth, what % would be in debt?

How will P2P address the Land issue?

How will we share (allocate and schedule) the Physical Sources of Production.


Current property taxes punish improvements.  Henry George, and Bal
Tilak before him, and many others finally understand we must instead
collect against the withholding of truly finite things.

But there is another problem with the way taxes are collected.

We do not currently have the proper right to secede from
city/county/state/nation/world/universal decisions.

Taxing should be coercive only in the ability to withhold that
specific good or service from any peer that fails to pay.


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