[p2p-research] member managed web service

marc fawzi marc.fawzi at gmail.com
Thu Feb 5 04:33:29 CET 2009

Yes, if the Web service is open sourced and decentralized then the service
itself is under no one's control.

And when it comes to XML data the Internet's network-centric infrastructure
does not factor in as far as control goes because no ISP is interested in
obstructing XML data transfer. But when it comes to whether or not the
Internet as a whole in its current networ-centric incarnation is sustainable
I would say not...

On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 5:09 PM, Matt Cooperrider
<mattcooperrider at gmail.com>wrote:

> I see now.  The server is the service provided.  What about an entirely xml
> based web service?  Everyone has a piece of code on their own server.
> example: http://www.xpertweb.com/intro/#BigPicture
> On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 7:02 PM, Patrick Anderson <agnucius at gmail.com>wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 4:17 PM, Matt Cooperrider
>> <mattcooperrider at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hi Patrick,
>> >
>> > I think I follow your argument.  What about when we are dealing with a
>> > commons (as many wikis can be understood)?  There is no owner, and no
>> sale
>> > of goods, as far as I can see.  How would you interpret that situation
>> > within your theory?
>> No wiki can exist without the Physical Sources (Material Means of
>> Production) required to 'host' it.
>> Just as with every other kind of 'thing', software requires Space,
>> Time, Mass and Energy.  That may sound ominous, or somehow too strange
>> to consider, but please think it through*.
>> So the person(s) in control of hardware end up being the owner(s) of
>> any wiki instance.
>> For simplicity I usually say that controlling group must be the
>> literal property owner of the computer, keyboard, monitor, buildings,
>> etc. needed to keep that wiki operating, but it is also true that
>> those controllers may be renting or leasing those Physical Sources
>> from other owners.
>> But either way, the problem we strangely resist confronting directly
>> is that control finally rests in property ownership of Physical
>> Sources required to 'host' any virtual thing (such as software,
>> movies, mechanical designs, DNA, medicine formulas, etc.).  [[This is,
>> of course, assuming we are using virtual things that are either Public
>> Domain (unlocked), or - even better - under the GNU GPL (locked
>> open)]]
>> As for "the sale of goods", there is something to be said about
>> advertising being a fee that the user/consumer pays, but I don't know
>> how to say it.
>> (*) See these papers for further elaboration and hopefully more clarity:
>> http://Blog.P2PFoundation.net/one-loaf-per-child/2007/06/14
>> http://SourceFreedom.BlogSpot.com
>> http://Oekonux.org/list-en/archive/msg04253.html
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