[p2p-research] member managed web service

Matt Cooperrider mattcooperrider at gmail.com
Thu Feb 5 02:09:44 CET 2009

I see now.  The server is the service provided.  What about an entirely xml
based web service?  Everyone has a piece of code on their own server.

example: http://www.xpertweb.com/intro/#BigPicture

On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 7:02 PM, Patrick Anderson <agnucius at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 4:17 PM, Matt Cooperrider
> <mattcooperrider at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Patrick,
> >
> > I think I follow your argument.  What about when we are dealing with a
> > commons (as many wikis can be understood)?  There is no owner, and no
> sale
> > of goods, as far as I can see.  How would you interpret that situation
> > within your theory?
> No wiki can exist without the Physical Sources (Material Means of
> Production) required to 'host' it.
> Just as with every other kind of 'thing', software requires Space,
> Time, Mass and Energy.  That may sound ominous, or somehow too strange
> to consider, but please think it through*.
> So the person(s) in control of hardware end up being the owner(s) of
> any wiki instance.
> For simplicity I usually say that controlling group must be the
> literal property owner of the computer, keyboard, monitor, buildings,
> etc. needed to keep that wiki operating, but it is also true that
> those controllers may be renting or leasing those Physical Sources
> from other owners.
> But either way, the problem we strangely resist confronting directly
> is that control finally rests in property ownership of Physical
> Sources required to 'host' any virtual thing (such as software,
> movies, mechanical designs, DNA, medicine formulas, etc.).  [[This is,
> of course, assuming we are using virtual things that are either Public
> Domain (unlocked), or - even better - under the GNU GPL (locked
> open)]]
> As for "the sale of goods", there is something to be said about
> advertising being a fee that the user/consumer pays, but I don't know
> how to say it.
> (*) See these papers for further elaboration and hopefully more clarity:
> http://Blog.P2PFoundation.net/one-loaf-per-child/2007/06/14
> http://SourceFreedom.BlogSpot.com
> http://Oekonux.org/list-en/archive/msg04253.html
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