[p2p-research] Fwd: Leonardo Reviews: February 2009

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 4 01:18:36 CET 2009

sounds good for our community:

*Technology and Society: Building Our Sociotechnical Future
*by Deborah G. Johnson and Jameson M. Wetmore, Editors
*Reviewed by Enzo Ferrara *

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michael Punt <mpunt at easynet.co.uk>
Date: Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 4:10 AM
Subject: Leonardo Reviews: February 2009

 *Leonardo Reviews is pleased to announce its new postings at


Leonardo Reviews

February 2009
*New Materials Received**

*All White in Barking
*by Marc Isaacs, Director
*Reviewed by Michael R. (Mike) Mosher
*Baghdad Twist
*by Joe Balass, Director
*Reviewed by Jonathan Zilberg
*Bound by Law? Tales from the Public Domain
* by Keith Aoki, James Boyle, and Jennifer Jenkins
*Reviewed by John F. Barber
*Coming to You Wherever You Are: MuchMusic, MTV and Youth Identities
*by Kip Pegley
*Reviewed by Jonathan Zilberg
*Dr. Strangelove Dr Strangelove
*by Kristan Horton
*Reviewed by Martha Patricia Niño
*Egypt: We Are Watching You
*by Leila Menjo and Sherief Elkatsha, Directors
*Reviewed by Michael R. (Mike) Mosher
*The Essential Frank Lloyd Wright: Critical Writings on Architecture
*by Frank Lloyd Wright Edited by Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer
*Reviewed by Martha Patricia Niño*

*Global Soundtracks. Worlds of Film Music
*by Mark Slobin, Editor
*Reviewed by Jan Baetens
*Graffiti Japan
*by Remo Camarota
*Reviewed by Michael R. (Mike) Mosher
*Hidden Gifts: The Mystery of Angus MacPhee
*by Nick Higgins
*Reviewed by Rob Harle*

*In Search of Gandhi (Why Democracy? Series)
*by Alex Gibney, Director
*Reviewed by Jonathan Zilberg
Iron Ladies of Liberia
*by Siatta Scott Johnson and Daniel Junge, Directors
*Reviewed by Michael R. (Mike) Mosher
*Jesus Politics: The Bible and the Ballot
*by Ilan Ziv, Director
*Reviewed by Jonathan Zilberg
*Killer¹s Paradise
*by Giselle Portenier, Director
*Reviewed by Jonathan Zilberg
*Memory Against Culture. Arguments and Reminders
*by Johannes Fabian
*Reviewed by Martha Blassnigg
*Museums of the Mind: German Modernity and the Dynamics of Collecting
* by Peter M. Mclsaac
*Reviewed by Martha Patricia Niño
*Mustapha Kemal Atatürk: The Birth of a Republic
*by Séverine Labat, Director
*Reviewed by Michael R. (Mike) Mosher

*The Order of Myths
* by Margaret Brown, Director
*Reviewed by Jonathan Zilberg
*Philosophy of New Music
* by Theodore Adorno; Translated, edited and with an Introduction by Robert
*Reviewed by Jonathan Zilberg
*Strawberry Fields
* by Ayelet Heller, Director
*Reviewed by Jonathan Zilberg
*Taxi to the Dark Side (Why Democracy? Series)
*by Lalit Vachani, Director
*Reviewed by Jonathan Zilberg
*Technology and Society: Building Our Sociotechnical Future
*by Deborah G. Johnson and Jameson M. Wetmore, Editors
*Reviewed by Enzo Ferrara


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