[p2p-research] [Open Manufacturing] Re: [ox-en] All Work is Created Equal

marc fawzi marc.fawzi at gmail.com
Sun Feb 1 15:21:10 CET 2009

For example, in the future, fully automated surgery will be available... a
probing mechanism finds the cancer and takes it out with greater precision
than a human surgeon ever could.

So if all it takes is electricity then why would it cost $100,000? It should
cost more like $1000 including R&D cost spread over e.g. 5 years.

So why the 100X factor of profit above cost?

"All Work Energy Is Created Equal" is what the title should say to emphasize
the absolute value of work energy vs the subjective value of the work

In a world of abundance, you don't need to pay for any good or service more
than the cost of energy it takes to produce and deliver it

You can choose to pay nothing if you can count on giving and getting stuff
for free which ultimately evolves to barter, which is less efficient form of
trading than using a currency, so then we're back to using a currency and
the currency proposed by the P2P Energy Economy model is one that allows
work energy to be measured in absolute terms.

The full model is available at: http://p2pfoundation.net/P2P_Energy_Economy

Would love to discuss some more....


On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 5:38 AM, marc fawzi <marc.fawzi at gmail.com> wrote:

> Christian,
> Here you go:
> All Work Is Created Equal
> Technically speaking, in the P2P Energy Economy, tokens of the currency
> (i.e. money) are created in proportion to the increase in the amount of
> electric energy flow from nodes with energy surplus to nodes with energy
> deficit, including households, charging stations, electric vehicle grid, and
> neighboring communities, which is then converted by those nodes into new
> work energy, which gives the tokens a real and absolute work value (in
> joules) in spent energy, which enables its use in trading the goods and
> services defined under this economy, at the cost of energy it takes to
> produce and deliver them.
> To restate this in plain English, it suffice it to say that in the P2P
> Energy Economy *all work energy is equal* because all work energy is
> measured using the same absolute-value unit, i.e. the Joule, so a dentist's
> work energy is not any more valuable than a teacher's work energy, while
> still allowing those who work harder (produce more work energy) to get more
> back. In other words, it values all work energy equally while allowing
> people to work as hard as they please and get compensated based on the
> absolute value of their work energy not the subjective value of their work.
> The conditions of sustainable abundance, given below, must be met for all
> goods and services to be traded under this model. These conditions, when
> combined with the currency defined under this model, enable a complete
> departure from today's scarcity enforcing economic model by allowing
> everyone who wishes to get a given good or service to do so at the absolute
> work value of the energy it takes to produce and deliver that good or
> service.
> 1. On-demand production (which permits predictive inventory management so
> producers don't have to over produce, which causes waste and inefficiency
> and is therefore unsustainable, or under produce which causes shortages and
> high prices, which is also unsustainable) 2. Decentralized production
> (which assures there's no dependence on a few suppliers) 3. Renewable
> production (which assures there's no dependence on scarce resources) 4.
> Scalable production (which assures that volume is not limited by the
> production process) 5. Open source production and "share alike" licensing
> (which assures that the good or service can be produced by anyone, while
> enforcing social and moral rights of the originator, not their right to a
> monopoly.)
> When the above conditions are met, for any given good or service, that good
> or service should be available to everyone who wishes to have at the cost of
> energy it takes to produce and deliver it.
> So if health care (as a service) was to meet the above conditions then a
> visit to the dentist should not cost more than what it takes in energy to
> render that service.
> ~~
> Measuring work energy in joules is like measuring distance in feet or
> meters....
> How would you argue against all work energy being equal when it is?
> On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 5:23 AM, marc fawzi <marc.fawzi at gmail.com> wrote:
>> The title could have been "All Energy Is Created Equal" and it could have
>> stated that human work energy is measured in Joules, which is how it is
>> measured.
>> So I think I might change it to say that and it still would say exactly
>> the same thing except in a language that doesn't bother people who feel that
>> human work energy for a dentist is more valuable than human work energy for
>> a carpenter, when measured by the same stick.
>> On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 1:09 AM, Christian Siefkes <christian at siefkes.net>wrote:
>>> marc fawzi wrote:
>>> > To restate this in plain English, it suffice it to say that in the P2P
>>> > Energy Economy all work is equal because all work is measured using the
>>> same
>>> > unit of energy, i.e. the Joule, so a dentist's work is not any more
>>> valuable
>>> > than a teacher's work, while still allowing those who work harder get
>>> more
>>> > back. In other words, it values all work equally while allowing people
>>> to
>>> > work as hard as they please and get compensated based on the absolute
>>> value
>>> > of their work energy not the subjective value of their work.
>>> Hm, measuring (human) work in joule is a bit like measuring energy in
>>> meters
>>> or feet, isn't it?
>>> Best regards
>>>        Christian
>>> --
>>> |-------- Dr. Christian Siefkes --------- christian at siefkes.net---------
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>>> http://www.keimform.de/
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>>> |------------------------------------------ OpenPGP Key ID: 0x346452D8 --
>>> There was only one guy in the whole Bible Jesus ever personally promised
>>> a place with him in Paradise. Not Peter, not Paul, not any of those guys.
>>> He was a convicted thief, being executed.
>>>        -- Neil Gaiman, American Gods
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