[p2p-research] [Open Manufacturing] Re: [ox-en] All Work is Created Equal

marc fawzi marc.fawzi at gmail.com
Sun Feb 1 14:23:43 CET 2009

The title could have been "All Energy Is Created Equal" and it could have
stated that human work energy is measured in Joules, which is how it is

So I think I might change it to say that and it still would say exactly the
same thing except in a language that doesn't bother people who feel that
human work energy for a dentist is more valuable than human work energy for
a carpenter, when measured by the same stick.

On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 1:09 AM, Christian Siefkes <christian at siefkes.net>wrote:

> marc fawzi wrote:
> > To restate this in plain English, it suffice it to say that in the P2P
> > Energy Economy all work is equal because all work is measured using the
> same
> > unit of energy, i.e. the Joule, so a dentist's work is not any more
> valuable
> > than a teacher's work, while still allowing those who work harder get
> more
> > back. In other words, it values all work equally while allowing people to
> > work as hard as they please and get compensated based on the absolute
> value
> > of their work energy not the subjective value of their work.
> Hm, measuring (human) work in joule is a bit like measuring energy in
> meters
> or feet, isn't it?
> Best regards
>        Christian
> --
> |-------- Dr. Christian Siefkes --------- christian at siefkes.net ---------
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> There was only one guy in the whole Bible Jesus ever personally promised
> a place with him in Paradise. Not Peter, not Paul, not any of those guys.
> He was a convicted thief, being executed.
>        -- Neil Gaiman, American Gods
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