[p2p-research] All Work is Created Equal

Stan Rhodes stanleyrhodes at gmail.com
Sun Feb 1 03:13:21 CET 2009

What regulatory mechanism ensures that the generation of electricity
is "sustainable," or doesn't pollute the environment, or doesn't
create some other sort of negative externality?

In other words, how does the system deal with intentional or
unintentional cheating?

You say below that I can find producers that share my values.  How do
I know that producers who _tell_ the system they have particular
values and practices _actually do_ have those values and practices?

-- Stan

On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 3:48 PM, marc fawzi <marc.fawzi at gmail.com> wrote:
> Good Things Come to Those Who Care
> In today's economy socially, environmentally and ecologically conscious
> producers of goods and services are beginning to see increased sales, but
> only in very limited niches and local markets.
> In the P2P Energy Economy consumers identify, as part of each purchase of
> goods or services, the required attributes (for the given good or service)
> as well as their social, environmental and ecological values, which allows
> them to find producers (of the given good or service) who support their
> values. This means that money flows more in sync with society's values.

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