[p2p-research] a new funding mechanism for useful online services

Ryan Lanham rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 30 17:02:54 CET 2009

On 12/30/09, Samuel Rose <samuel.rose at gmail.com> wrote:
> Personally, I don't care about the funding/governance mechanisms so
> much as the idea that people can pool resources and create many
> distributed services. This is the part that is similar to what we are
> doing with FLOWS, and what prompted me to state "wow!"

To my mind, what made Mozilla and Apache such great successes is that they
started with governance and funding.  I like microfunding ideas in
general...but the tough part is the link to governance.  If there are new
and exciting ways around those issues, I'm for it.  What if Twitter was
Apache is an interesting discussion.  But the fact is, it isn't.  On
Christmas Even (24 December) there were more tweets than humans on the
planet.  That's some serious infrastructure costs and technical risk.  I'm
not sure something like that (or Firefox) can be managed without very
sophisticated organizational units that enjoy pay/benefits etc. along lines
of a conventional organization.

There's no question the idea of the sharing and micropayments are big

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