[p2p-research] lightfoot book sharing ?

Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.monson at gmail.com
Tue Dec 29 13:28:26 CET 2009

Any of us has tricks for having access to new books without buying them ? ,
in addition to bookcrossing,and between our networks, in relation to topics
of interest that we share.

By reviewing them ?
By having them ordered through teachers and researchers we know at
university libraries ?

If you review books, and get free copies, is there a way we could imagine to
have books shared between us ?

By lightfoot ?


I cc Robin, as a small library is emerging at casarobino Amsterdam
Nomadbase, and Topi, who builds up a small library in he's sailing boat,
both possibly being transit nodes?

I also wonder if there is a way to circumvent copyright on books, other then
through excerpting, as to enable a digital copy.

Would it be legal to retain one digital copy for each hardcover book?

And circulate them on usb, in a deadswap way?


Can we imagine combining ideas such as lightfoot, deadswap, bookcrossing,
and our own little thematic offline "project Gutenberg"?


Feel free to forward...

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