[p2p-research] Universal Declaration of All Beings, fyi

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 23 10:34:13 CET 2009

*= The Peoples Declaration*

URL = http://www.treeshaverightstoo.com/

Graphic at http://www.treeshaverightstoo.com/assets/46/Matrix_final.png

Values statement at

 "Planet Earth is entrusted to Humanity for the benefit of All Beings.

The planet is our capital asset and we the people have a responsibility to
ensure that this asset is protected, not exploited. We can do that by being
trustees for the planet. When humanity becomes the trustee of the planet and
holds the asset in perpetuity for use of all beings, as guided by the
principles set out below, life is assured for us all.

*What has been set out below is a Trust, a Planet Earth Trust, in which we
the people are Trustees and All Beings are the Beneficiaries.* Please join
us and sign up to be a Trustee of Planet Earth.

We the People are Trustees of Planet Earth.

Our purpose is to ensure Life for All Beings.

As a Trustee of Planet Earth

   - I honour the values,
   - I accept our responsibilities, and
   - I uphold the natural laws as set out herein.

I commit to acting on behalf of Planet Earth each day of my life at the end
of which my trusteeship will pass to others."

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