[p2p-research] Drone hacking

Andy Robinson ldxar1 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 23 01:38:34 CET 2009

Once we get beneath the rhetoric and into the substance of the argument, an
awful lot comes to hinge on what is "materially" relevant, or "means" the
same thing, or is "good enough".  The tightly woven scientific certainty
falls apart and is shown to depend completely on value judgements about
whether or not grossly imperfect results are sufficient.  Terms like
"determine", "predict", "control", "certain" turn out to be weasel-words
which are used in a technical sense which is a long way from their everyday
usage, but which is assumed to be close enough to continue using these
words.  And the evidence comes down to a mixture of an appeal to a technical
specialism too complicated to explain and an appeal to facts which are
conveniently non-verifiable and non-replicable.
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