[p2p-research] Drone hacking

J. Andrew Rogers reality.miner at gmail.com
Tue Dec 22 22:34:12 CET 2009

On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 11:59 AM, Andy Robinson <ldxar1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> So you don't have an interest in the companies running the algorithms, but
> you DO have a STRONG vested interest in people exaggerating the importance
> of your particular research specialism.

Nonsense, it isn't my research specialism, it is domain knowledge I
acquired years back working on other things. It is like saying I have
a "STRONG vested interest" in whatever brand of toothpaste I happen to
own at the moment. I have some expertise in AIT, and modern behavioral
prediction is based on AIT. I used to do a lot of AIT research several
years back and am therefore very familiar with the mathematics, but I
don't follow the latest results of the field too closely nor deal with
its applications.

> People are meant to read your
> posts, conclude that your specialism is the big breakthrough in marketing
> and a whole lot of other fields, and that your knowledge is so massive and
> incomprehensible to other people that they can't understand the magnitude of
> its implications - so of course they have to hire you to solve their
> problems with the miracle-cure offered by your approach.

People don't ask me how to design or implement them, they ask me how
to scale existing systems. That I can speak their theoretical language
is a bonus. If we were discussing sparse hyper-dimensional
computational structures, which has as much to do with game engines
and climate modeling as behavioral prediction, you would have a point.

In a sane society, we would not disregard an argument on the basis
that the person making it is not sufficiently ignorant to be

J. Andrew Rogers

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