[p2p-research] Drone hacking

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 22 17:25:16 CET 2009

do you know many  "the same argument the anti-technology green left" that
are against the global warming tech ...?

most deniers I know of, the very vast majority, are in the camp of the
extreme right,or on the payroll of fossil fuel interests... the anti-tech
green left is at the forefront of the fight against global warming ... James
Randi is a fundamentalist 'sceptic'

strange what you say about AI, when I interviewed dozens of AI researhers in
the late nineties, they said just the opposite, that most of their dreams
hadn;t come out, that the field had gotten nowhere (but of course they
expected great things for a hypothetical future, see TechnoCalyps)

your view of human nature is typically reductionist, oh well ... monkeys on
a thumb writing shakespeare and building cathedrals, why not ... it's a
quaint view, but I guess you have seen monkeys like that,

there's nothing simplistic or emotional about recognizing depth and
complexity, it's just a fact of nature and life, backed up by a lot of
contemporary science, except for the transhumanists cults ... I'm really
surprised when reductionism appeals to otherwise interesting minds,


On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 9:51 PM, Ryan Lanham <rlanham1963 at gmail.com> wrote:

>  On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 9:36 AM, Andy Robinson <ldxar1 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > I realize that I am goring sacred cows, to mix a metaphor, but only in
>> > the sense that evolutionary biologists do the same with respect to
>> > Biblical Creationists.
>> Actually closer to what Creationists are doing to evolutionists, i.e.
>> setting up a tenuous theory based on exaggerated readings of dubious or
>> incomplete data, and then pretending it is conclusively proven and falsifies
>> all the things which serious specialists take as more-or-less definite.  Not
>> that there's anything wrong with trying to rebut widely-accepted views, but
>> posing as a heroic rebel upsetting other people's dearly-held orthodoxies
>> doesn't make your arguments any more accurate.
>> Also, the idea of a hidden intelligence manipulating and predicting
>> everything we do without us knowing it, with a thinking power so far in
>> excess of humanity's that it will be able to do things which are absolutely
>> incomprehensible to us, would not be entirely foreign to Biblical
>> Creationists - though it has more in common with this guy:.
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolas_Malebranche#Vision_in_God
> This is the same argument the anti-technology green left uses against
> global warming...you don't know everything therefore you know
> nothing...James Randi is the latest to fall into this trap.
> Trend analysis is the foundation of modern social science.  We evaluate
> probabilities of outcomes given current states.  It isn't perfect, but the
> paths tend to work...e.g. Moore's Law (the simplest case).  Now it is true
> that few trends continue indefinitely.  There are limits.  Those should be
> evaluated in probabilistic terms as well.  That's the current field of
> futurism in a nutshell.
> Given those sorts of analyses, the probabilities set by almost anyone in
> the know are quite high that machines surpass humans in virtually all ways
> within the next 100 years...probabilities are above 0.7 for most analyses
> that it will happen 30 years hence.   It is just reasonable extrapolation
> with known feasible boundaries.
> To me, these aren't emotional arguments.   My heart rate doesn't even rise
> 3 beats a minute in thinking through it.  There's no emotion at all...it's
> just a probability...like the probability my plane will land safely or the
> probability I'll get swine flu.
> It is always an amusing topic...has been for 20 years.
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