[p2p-research] Drone hacking

Ryan Lanham rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 22 15:38:58 CET 2009

On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 5:39 AM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>wrote:

> to prove mathematically that humans have no free will, come on, that must
> be the worst possible category error ...
> would you be convinced by a mathematical proof of God?
> her business card is at home, will check,
> Michel
I have to say, I've not heard of her either...that isn't to say, she isn't a
world's authority...those arise quickly...the new European AGI guys are news
to me from 6 months ago...and seem to have come out of nowhere.  That's the
math model intelligence Andrew is talking about.  It is an information
theory proof that intelligence (human) is not beyond conventional
computational limits.  If that proves out, the last 30 years of algorithm
searches will be irrelevant.  We'll simply conquer intelligence by brut
machinery.  So far, it looks like the AGI guys are right.  If I had to bet,
I'd say they are.  Evolution isn't that good a designer (intelligent
designers notwithstanding).

Most serious AI folks don't hold high expectations for cognitive science
which has moved pretty slowly compared to information theory approaches.
Figuring out humans is like trying to invent a steam shovel by dissecting
arm muscles.

I was involved in cognitive science and AI in the 1980s and no one then even
dreamed we'd be close to where we are now.  I was Technical Director in
Roger Schank's lab and was regularly host to visitors like Daniel Dennett
and others.  So I know what the claims were then and now amongst the
mainstream of the field.   No one seriously thought it would move as fast as
it has.  We did think the moves would come from completely different
directions than they have.  If you would have told me Google or a
Google-like algorithm would press boundaries of AI, I would have laughed out
loud at you.  I guess that's why I'm not a venture capitalist.

Regardless, the truth is that the old style academic discourse is now
getting very long in the tooth.  Technology is encroaching from several
sides and people are starting to become afraid. I get that. Change is hard.
We've tried for years to find a way to make humans be more interesting than
we are...intellectually, morally, legally, etc.  In the end, we're monkeys
with a thumb that evolved enough to start learning on its steady path.  Soon
the meat won't be necessary.  No big deal.
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