[p2p-research] Drone hacking

Ryan Lanham rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 22 00:19:10 CET 2009

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 5:48 PM, Athina Karatzogianni <athina.k at gmail.com>wrote:

> Just to get in this for a moment, since I ve been following the discussion
> for days. Andrew Rogers: the reason we are in a global financial mess is
> because we thought we could predict everything with rigid financial models,
> supercomputers and infallible systems? Complex and chaotic systems are
> extremely difficult to predict. We dont live in mediocristan, but in
> extremistan as Taleb amusingly informs us. That is common knowldge I should
> think. Besides all the American utopian technology crap of the 1950s, what
> makes you really think that 'a computer will still be able to predict and
> manipulate your behavior below the threshold of your ability to detect it' ?
> Hmmmmmmm, we dont live in a comic book and writing about life like we do is
> charming but really not helpful.......
People aren't amazed a machine can lift a truck...that sort of strength
doesn't frighten us...that is, any more.  What is pending now are machines
that are greatly more powerful than our minds.  That is indeed frightening
because it sets those who have been relatively unphased by the economic
realities of industrialization on their heels as they wonder whether
thinking is about as out of date as using a shovel.  It is about like using
a shovel...or soon will be.

Where in the world am I (and every other two-bit intellectual) if everything
clever I can concoct can be met with an equally clever tete-a-tete by a

For years we'll have our John Henry rail driving contests between machines
and meat.  But meat will likely lose.  Why wouldn't it?  Brains just aren't
that interesting.  We've been civilized for less than 10K years.  It was an
amusing period, but learning is a self-destructive technology.  Once the
leap to better modes is enjoyed, meat will be what it is...a hunk of cells.

The arrogance of the social constructivists is just a rebirthing of the old
homo-centric worldview of our simple minds starting to touch enlightenment.
We aren't that interesting...and the world is moving beyond us...and will be
beyond...within 30 years.  The irony of the present is that the
post-modernists have become the arch conservative reactionaries.
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