[p2p-research] Drone hacking

Andy Robinson ldxar1 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 21 08:44:29 CET 2009

"People don't understand victory post WW2.  Winning isn't about military
matters at all.  Militaries exist to hold on until the social fabric of a
place can be re-woven into something totally new."

First off, 'social fabric' as you call it is not something which can be
imposed militarily, it is a feature of everyday social relations and arises
from the density of networks of reciprocity, affinity and welfare in
everyday life.  It is NOT an aftereffect of a Hobbesian 'peace'.

Secondly, if America can't stop insurgents attacking regularly, it can't
even impose a Hobbesian 'peace' in any case.  And if the only way they can
stop attacks is to do what they did in Iraq and basically cede local power
to the insurgents in return for reduced levels of violence, they have to
drop the project of 're-weaving' anything.

"So all the critics will have to deal with a world where the very productive
and liberating model of the last 50 years is now dying...  and that will
lead to a lot of misery for those who never gained the worldview to be

Holy shit, hot on the back of people being 'evil' as well... why do so many
Americans think they live in Disney films FFS?  If you ask me, the American
model is effective enough, but at one thing only: indoctrinating Americans
by making them stupid.  Which leads of course to them thinking their
worldview is 'liberating' and setting out to 'liberate' everyone else - a
nice excuse for colonial violence.

I could multiply a thousand examples of how American power has never in
application been 'liberating' or 'productive', how it reproduces rather than
wards off 'misery', how the worldviews of the marginal are often a hundred
times more 'liberated' than those of American conformists...  but since my
previous examples to this purpose have been blithely ignored (regarding how
Iraqis experience the occupation for instance), I can see that this will
have no impact whatsoever.

But at least answer this.  Since Americanisation is what you call a 'meme
machine', and since you are located at the point of maximum exposure to and
maximum vulnerability to these memes, *how do you know that it is the others
and not yourself who have false consciousness?*
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