[p2p-research] Abundance Destroys Profit [was: Tick, tock, tick, tock… BING]

Ryan Lanham rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 15 00:04:34 CET 2009

On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 5:39 PM, Andy Robinson <ldxar1 at gmail.com> wrote:

> "In fact, there is a massive*outflow* of Federal taxes, ...
> Nevada's economy is based on three things.  First, Nevada is one of
> the richest mining regions in the world for heavy elements.  Second,
> the arid volcanic soil is excellent for certain kinds of agriculture,
> mostly onions, potatoes, and grass-fed beef.  Third is tourism, both
> Las Vegas and alpine (Lake Tahoe/Reno); the latter is where people in
> the San Francisco metro go for winter skiing and many summer outdoor
> activities."
> It's a standard internal periphery then.  Extractive industries,
> agriculture, tourism are the there mainstays of peripheral economies....

>It does raise the issue, though, of how come Nevada is economically stable
when similar peripheral regions are not, and how >come the population are
better-off than the similar population in the likes of Niger and Mauritius.
Is it because the outflow of >money is less, because the prices of primary
commodities and services are higher/fairer, because the prices of primary
>commodities are subsidised or treated preferentially, because of the
indirect impact of the option of out-migration on wages, >because of general
entitlements arising from being an American (such as access to jobs and
welfare), because there has never >been a full-scale colonial plunder?  I'm
sure a lot of peripheral countries would love to be doing as well as Nevada,
outflows or not...

There are obvious dividends to be part of real free trade system with high
subsidies from a federal source. Even without high dollar flows directly,
places like Nevada get free roads, free police, military, etc. for places
their size.

Los Vegas...the whole basis of the Nevada economy, was invented to avoid
California police and legislators.  It was LA's vice project.  Vice is good

If you want to be sort of rich...live next to someone who is rich and
convince them to have free and open borders.  Part of Africa's problem is
that it has no history of success.  Once it does, like South America, it
will be off to the races.
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